Our meetings this year have included a formal but informal social pre-meeting discussion. In other words the topics of discussion have been pre decided, but who knows who will come early to join in the discussion.
The meeting starts at 7p with lots of announcements and some discussion. We had a birthday celebration for Frank Wilper who is 90 years young January 2014. Happy Birthday Frank. Our February Meeting is always "Show N Tell"........... our members bring family items and tell their family stories. Usually a very interesting and entertaining evening and tonight was no exception.
Glenda GARDNER-LLOYD gave us a short but very informative presentation on "Documenting Your Heirlooms" & a list of home sources. Very good. This is something that we all need to do and I will SOOOOOOOOOOON. Thank you Glenda.
Now as our hostess tonight, Glenda talks with each person that brought something to share, asking questions and finding out those important points on interest.
Sit back. I will try to recall as much as possible for you...........
Below, Sammie HUDGEN offering a brilliant suggestion to get those not so co-operative relatives to write dow their stories.... it is called a 'Journal Jar' - so simple but can be effective. You begin with a quart canning jar with lid and ring, a small piece of cloth, some raffia. The idea is write down whatever questions you have, cut each into its own strip of paper and place the strips into the jar. Put the material under the ring on top of the jar, and tie raffia around the neck of the jar with the card RECIPE for: My Life History. Give it as a gift. In Sammie's handout she has given several pages of questions to anyone started. She gave her jar to an Aunt that didn't want to say anything and said she simply didn't have time. Sammie asked her if she would have time each morning while having her coffee. She agreed. (did I mention you need to provide a notepad/binder/paper for the answers- sorry!) The problem seems to be now the Aunt won't give her the binder back YET.
Below, Rick HANSON shows off a very heavy family heirloom flat iron. Do you remember your mother or grandmother or aunt using this? I sure do and am thankful that we have lighter and more efficient irons (if we need them at all) He is also brought a binder of family- the page showing shows a great way of displaying homes that his ancestors have lived in....... this is a great way of tracking your families too, very impressive. Some of us are not so lucky, we have gone back to take those pictures now to find that it is a business, a parking lot or department store or just an empty lot. Cherish those family pictures because a lot of do not have them and won't be able to get them now.
Below, Kathy GUTIERREZ showing off her grandparents marriage certificate from Redbank, California.[sorry picture of certificate looks blurry - I apologize] This is a beautiful piece of history.
Below, Marie PHILLIPS showing off her prized inventory binder [probably only one of many] This is something that we have all learned about in Glenda GARDNER-LLOYD's classes over the years. However, Marie has really followed through all her family heirlooms, photographed each one, and filled in all the vital information about that piece along with where the piece actually is located. GREAT JOB Marie!! very inspiring......... someday!!
Below, Jack BANK, showing a great display of 100 year old + family pictures of family and home at the farm in Butte County California. Anyone searching for EATON family?
Below, Joan CONZATTI shows off her 1850 China Doll. It has been handed down many times and now to Joan. She recalls when she was a young child she got into trouble because she wanted to take 'her' doll out to the tree house to play. Sorry to say in my enthusiam to take pictures of the members I forgot to take one of the doll. I am so sorry Joan. It is a wonderful family piece to be handed down to many more generations to come.
Below, Sharon Nichols brought a Civil War book with
all the battles from a particular Company (sorry didn't write that down), in Alleghany Pennsylvania. Sorry for lack of details.
Below, Dan LAWER shows off a small Bible. The Bible was given to my father by his parents for Christmas in 1941 shortly after he enlisted in the Army following the Pearl Harbor attack. He was in the artillery and went to Europe, landing Dec 18, 1944 - he spent the time in between as an instructor in coastal artillery school at Camp Callen, where UC San Diego campus is now in La Jolla, CA
Another item he talked about was for his sister-in-law Tobi REDMON - searching REDMON, WAGNER, GRAVELL, CAMERON (alt CAMBRON) that I know of. I do not know the others that lead back to NOAH - her 100th GGF was a Trojan king, 141st GGF was ADAM - not bad for a beginner ...... and imagine she has hit a brickwall NOW!! I want to see those sources!!
Below, Sharon SWAIN brought a wonderful picture of a family stone house in Idaho taken 1873. I love seeing all these different homesteads. How the looks have changed! [I am sorry that I didn't get closer for the details]
Unfortunately for me and especially for you, apparently I did not get pictures of all our participants and I am so sorry for that. I will try harder next time. Another item he talked about was for his sister-in-law Tobi REDMON - searching REDMON, WAGNER, GRAVELL, CAMERON (alt CAMBRON) that I know of. I do not know the others that lead back to NOAH - her 100th GGF was a Trojan king, 141st GGF was ADAM - not bad for a beginner ...... and imagine she has hit a brickwall NOW!! I want to see those sources!!
Below, Sharon SWAIN brought a wonderful picture of a family stone house in Idaho taken 1873. I love seeing all these different homesteads. How the looks have changed! [I am sorry that I didn't get closer for the details]
George MARKS showed off quite a number of very old family photos with stories to go along with each picture (sorry George);
......and somehow I also managed to missed a picture of Kerry ANDERSON and her sampler... she brought a very beautiful old sampler probably 150 years old that came from Ireland I think she said. She found the sampler rolled up in the bottom of a box of family stuff.... I think in a garage. She took it to a textile restorationist. She said the fabric was cleaned and is now lighter and the colors brighter. Some damage to the fabric by I think bugs but adds character. [I will try to get a picture for you at show another time]
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