What a super general meeting in March. After we got through all the introductions (and yes, Welcome to all our guests, new members and newer members), announcements: our Spring Seminar coming up APRIL 5, 2014 with Geoff Rasmussen, and, through our Parliamentarian Glenda Gardner-Lloyd a need to vote on a change to our by-laws, special request for a member (s) to step up as the new Preserves Editor or one run by Committee.
We were then introduced to Kathryn Miller Marchall, Ph.D, presenting "Western Migration Trails". Excellent, just an excellent presentation and great stories. This is the first session I have had with Kathryn and I was very impressed.
Kathryn's description of this presentation (WESTERN MIGRATION TRAILS): The five most important trails to the West are described, along with the reasons for choosing one trail over another, the specific seasons and challenges of travel along each, and what may be inferred about your ancestors from the routes they chose. Explore the fascinating, moving history recorded in trail diaries, wagon train rosters and other documents.
Among those trails that were discussed were the Oregon and California Trail, Truckee Route, Old Spanish Trail, Southern Emigrant Trail or Butterfield Stage Trail, Mormon Emigrant Trail or Carson Emigrant Trail, Central Overland Route.
I am jealous because I don't have anyone that came over on any of these trails, mine stayed on the east coast area. But still great information and historically very interesting.
Kathryn probably has many hours of stories about people coming west over these trails. I want more.
I 'Googled' Kathryn's name and found she has book/DVD on sale through Amazon.com

A further Google search shows Kathryn's a Director for the Lodi Family History Center, and advisor for the California Pioneer Heritage Foundation
THANK YOU Kathryn and thanks for our Program Director Carolee Jones
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