Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
What is Root Cellar SGS planning for the month of October?
Now is the time to mark your calendars so you don't miss out.............
2 October/ Thursday at 10am - Board Meeting
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
Members are always welcome
Contact: Diane Maltase
3 October/ Friday at 9am-Noon - Extractions Meet Up
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
The more help the less work for everyone
Contact: Marilyn Ulbricht
9 October/ Thursday at 7pm - General Meeting
Christ Community Church
5025 Manzanita Ave, Carmichael
Guests are Welcome
*6:15pm Round Table Discussions - come early and meet other members who may have similar interests
*7pm General Meeting Begins
Presentation: The Nature of the Evidence and the Proof by Craig Manson
The evaluation of evidence is the top of this hour. Learn the difference between..........more information
Craig Manson is a lawyer, historian and a genealogist.
10 October/ Friday - NO Extractions Meet Up
Contact: Marilyn Ulbricht
15 October/ Wednesday at 1-3pm - Day Time Workshop
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
A good opportunity to meet other members in a less structured atmosphere. To bring your genealogy questions, your new finds, your brickwalls....... let others try to help.
Contact: Diane Maltase
15 October/ Wednesday at 12:30-2pm - Roots Magic SIG
NOT sponsored by Root Cellar SGS but member supported
Sacramento FamilySearch Library
2745 Eastern Ave, Sacramento
An opportunity to meet with others that use the Roots Magic Family Tree Genealogy Program
Reservations call 916-487-2090
16 October/ Thursday at 10-11am - Glenda's Class/ Documenting Your Heirlooms
Must be pre-registered Mary Anne Smith no walk-in's
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
16 October/ Thursday at 11:30-1:30pm - FamilyTree SIG
FIRST MEETING- meet with like minds
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
Contact: John Jay
17 October/ Friday at 9am - Noon - Extractions Meet Up
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
The more help the less work for everyone.
Contact: Marilyn Ulbricht
22 October/ Thursday at 10:30-12:30p - Reunion SIG
NOT sponsored by Root Cellar SGS but member supported
Sacramento FamilySearch Library
2745 Eastern Ave, Sacramento
An opportunity to meet with others that use the Reunion Family Tree Genealogy Program
23 October/ Thursday at 10-11am - Glenda's Class/ Using City Directories
Must be pre-registered Mary Anne Smith no walk-in's
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
24 October/ Friday at 9am - Noon - Extractions Meet Up
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
The more help the less work for everyone.
Contact: Marilyn Ulbricht
30 October/ Thursday at 10-11am - Glenda's Class/ County Histories
Must be pre-registered Mary Anne Smith no walk-in's
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
31 October/ Friday at 9am - Noon - Extractions Meet Up
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
The more help the less work for everyone.
Contact: Marilyn Ulbricht
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Society Saturday - October Happenings for Root Cellar SGS
Friday, September 19, 2014
Society Saturday - Backblaze Backed Us Up
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Members came early with their laptops. They were looking forward to hearing all about Backblaze and receiving a free 3 month subscription....... and they would install the program before or after the general meeting. For those they did not get too or did not bring their laptops there were certificates to take home and the member can install the program themselves and all for FREE for three months. This was a WIN-WIN situation. Many members received the FREE 3 month offer and got the program installed at the meeting. They were able to ask questions before, during and after the installation and then during the meeting and after the meeting. I did notice that several took home a certificate.
Above you can see Backblaze representative Yev Pusin helping early members install the Backblaze program on their laptops and answer any questions. I am happy to say that our members kept Yev busy. He needed to hand out numbers so that he was sure he would get to everyone, so that each member would get the attention they deserves,
The meeting began with introductions, announcements and happy finds.......... Yev was introduced and gave a great presentation about Backblaze and what online backup means to the individual and their data.
I love the saying on the bottom of the Backblaze business card that says in cursive " Kiss your lost files hello" and there is a fat red lipstick kiss at the end of the sentence............
I have Backblaze on my laptop, it was installed in February at the RootsTech Conference in Salt Lake City. The first time it did a backup it took several days. No I didn't leave my system on 24/7 but it just started up again where it left off. It just works in the background. If you don't turn on your computer for days it will send you a message when you do turn it on that your system has not been backed up for XX days and needs to be backed up. It is painless and an inexpensive security blanket. If you already have another system working, you can add this one also......... see what you like about each and make up your mind.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you how wonderful the service is because I have not needed to find lost files or do reload of my data....... thank goodness, THANK GOODNESS (knock on wood) for that. So I will go on faith and the good ratings and tributes to the company.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Motivational Monday - New England Historic Genealogical Society Comes West
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner Benward
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
NEHGS Comes West:
Navigating New England
New York Resources
,...... California Genealogical Society and Library partnered with NEHGS to bring this event to all of us.
It was a beautiful day. Thank goodness since you had to leave the hotel to walk down the street to enter the Crystal Ballroom from the street, still part of the hotel, where the event was being held....... There were all types of activities going on ....... of course, registration first. At the other end of the registration room was a used book seller. Going inside the main room I found a CGS table where you can learn more about the organization, sign up or renew your membership. They had a second table with books for sale representing their organization. Another table for a silent auction....... lots of goodies but the one I would have loved to win was a 6 hour consultation with Jane Lindsey (and she is actually going to NEHGS in Boston in a couple of weeks so she could use some of those hours for your research - exciting!!- long to short I didn't win.) Another table represented NEHGS, membership, and a good variety of books and help resources for sale.
I renewed my CGS membership and received a free copy of "A Most Dreadful Earthquake, a first hand account by Dorothy Fowler ". I renewed my NEHGS membership also. I did buy a laminated sheet "The Portable Genealogist, Using DNA in Genealogy" by Chris Child and a small book "The Genealogist's US History Pocket Reference" by Nancy Hendrickson.
The Crystal Ballroom was a large room, very elegant with the old world look & feel, comfortable chairs, fake windows with mirror inserts (gave the room a much roomier space than it was) ...... unfortunately the room was hard to cool down (it was warmer than usual in Berkeley) .......... coffee, tea and water were available all day and in the afternoon SURPRISE cookies appeared.
The four sessions that Chris Child
and Alice Kane
both from NEHGS presented ..............
Migrations Into and Out of New England, 1620-1900, Chris Child
Boston in a Whirlwind: A Primer Tour of 10 Repositories, Alice Kane
NEHGS Sources for New York Research, Chris Child
I Had Him in My Sights, and POOF! Strategies for Relocating the Disappearing Ancestor, Alice Kane
It was a beautiful day. Thank goodness since you had to leave the hotel to walk down the street to enter the Crystal Ballroom from the street, still part of the hotel, where the event was being held....... There were all types of activities going on ....... of course, registration first. At the other end of the registration room was a used book seller. Going inside the main room I found a CGS table where you can learn more about the organization, sign up or renew your membership. They had a second table with books for sale representing their organization. Another table for a silent auction....... lots of goodies but the one I would have loved to win was a 6 hour consultation with Jane Lindsey (and she is actually going to NEHGS in Boston in a couple of weeks so she could use some of those hours for your research - exciting!!- long to short I didn't win.) Another table represented NEHGS, membership, and a good variety of books and help resources for sale.
I renewed my CGS membership and received a free copy of "A Most Dreadful Earthquake, a first hand account by Dorothy Fowler ". I renewed my NEHGS membership also. I did buy a laminated sheet "The Portable Genealogist, Using DNA in Genealogy" by Chris Child and a small book "The Genealogist's US History Pocket Reference" by Nancy Hendrickson.
The Crystal Ballroom was a large room, very elegant with the old world look & feel, comfortable chairs, fake windows with mirror inserts (gave the room a much roomier space than it was) ...... unfortunately the room was hard to cool down (it was warmer than usual in Berkeley) .......... coffee, tea and water were available all day and in the afternoon SURPRISE cookies appeared.
The four sessions that Chris Child
and Alice Kane
both from NEHGS presented ..............
Migrations Into and Out of New England, 1620-1900, Chris Child
Boston in a Whirlwind: A Primer Tour of 10 Repositories, Alice Kane
NEHGS Sources for New York Research, Chris Child
I Had Him in My Sights, and POOF! Strategies for Relocating the Disappearing Ancestor, Alice Kane
....... lots of good information and resources for me to follow-up with and investigate further. No, New York is not one of the New England states but it is a border state, it has a big impact on New England, and many migrated there from one of the other New England states so they are doing a concentration on New York too.(and I am so glad) Since I have New York ancestors I was thrilled and very interested in the third session. I do have ancestors from Connecticut (and Massachusetts -I think). I think that part of the Connecticut ancestors originally came down from the Massachusetts Bay area, so is that where they entered the United States. So you can see I am really looking forward to checking out their catalog to see what they do have and how they can further my research.
For those that are not sure what 6 states New England refers too, they are ........ Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut.
So if you have New England ancestors, I would say that the New England Historic Genealogical Society would be a good investment for your future research. I am going to take advantage of this resource during this year.
The California Genealogical Society does a lot with San Francisco, Oakland and the bay area they also have an extensive library of books and materials from all over the country...... plus computers set up hooked to the internet and members have access to at least a dozen genealogical sites........ they also have a series of very good classes each month, plus other events and trips yearly...... CGS is also a good investment for your research. I have been a member for several years and attend many of their classes during the week and on Saturdays. I try to go a lot earlier so I can take advantage of their library and internet services. A good day outing.
For those that are not sure what 6 states New England refers too, they are ........ Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut.
So if you have New England ancestors, I would say that the New England Historic Genealogical Society would be a good investment for your future research. I am going to take advantage of this resource during this year.
The California Genealogical Society does a lot with San Francisco, Oakland and the bay area they also have an extensive library of books and materials from all over the country...... plus computers set up hooked to the internet and members have access to at least a dozen genealogical sites........ they also have a series of very good classes each month, plus other events and trips yearly...... CGS is also a good investment for your research. I have been a member for several years and attend many of their classes during the week and on Saturdays. I try to go a lot earlier so I can take advantage of their library and internet services. A good day outing.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Follow Friday : Spending Saturday in Berkeley with CGS & NEHGS
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner Benward
New England Historical and Genealogical Society out of Boston Massachusetts has come west again. They are partnering with the California Genealogical Society out of Oakland to bring us this event. I for one am thrilled, Although I am looking forward to going there one day. But this a great alternative for now,
In Sacramento I took the Amtrak to Richmond, and the BART System from Richmond to Downtown Berkley, Pretty quick ride all things considered. The BART station is directly across the street from the Hotel Shattuck, couldn't ask for anything more perfect. They say there is parking but very limited so I decided to take the Amtrak/ Bart down down and back home tomorrow evening.
I have already run into our own Lois Shumacher (you know, our new Preserves Editor) with her friend from Grass Valley. I went for a short walk around the block, An interesting mix of people and businesses. Bought some pop and came right back to the hotel. Berkeley streets have not changed in the past 50 years ,,.. lots of characters young and old, stoned and not, some sleeping on the sidewalk, others just hanging out, and others trying to survive, and still others have their guitars and other instruments out playing and singing for their next meal, for their next dollar. A guy pushing a baby stroller that was completely filled with probably everything he owned plus a huge grey striped cat purring away on top of it all- thank goodness no baby. This all brings me back to days after high school and into college. PEACE MAN!
Registering and coming to this event was the first time I had ever heard of the Hotel Shattuck but then two weeks ago on "Who Do You Think You Are?" with Kelsey Grammer there we were looking at documents about his family with Kelsey from the Hotel Shattuck from I believe the 1920's - 1930's.. Gosh what a small world. Now I am staying in the same hotel.
FYI: Just a little history.......... the hotel was selected and build on the corner of Shattuck & Allston in Berkeley after the 1906 earthquake and opened its doors in December 1910. It is built in the mission style which represents California's Architectural heritage. It was build by a Francis Kittredge Shattuck, William Hillegass & George Blake. An annex was started in 1914 which increased the hotel's size by 400% adding 120 guestrooms. The hotel has changed hands several times and a name change also - Whitecotton Hotel. But the name change back fairly soon. In 2007 the Hotel Shattuck Plaza was purchased, it was closed for over a year while undergoing an extensive multimillion dollar renovation, Now it is an upscale boutique hotel within a historic building. On my walk around the block of the hotel I did notice the familiar names of streets- Kittredge & Shattuck for just a couple (sorry for the blurry picture)
But when you enter the hotel you are greeted with very white and black decor. Very upbeat. The experience starts when you enter the - it doesn't move till you enter your door card. Then when entering your room, the lights and a/c - heat will not work till you again enter your room card in a card dock on the wall........... Just a little different. I love the colors of the different carpet and walls, so I took pictures of them............. This is part of the main floor leading out to an interior outside patio.
This is my favorite...... colorful carpet/ white walls
This is my floor outside my room......... the others are on my floor too but down the next hallway and etc etc,
Tomorrow will be a full day of sessions. I am excited to have the opportunity to mingle and talk with and ask questions of the representatives of the NEHGS - Chris Child and Alice Kane.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
New England Historical and Genealogical Society out of Boston Massachusetts has come west again. They are partnering with the California Genealogical Society out of Oakland to bring us this event. I for one am thrilled, Although I am looking forward to going there one day. But this a great alternative for now,
In Sacramento I took the Amtrak to Richmond, and the BART System from Richmond to Downtown Berkley, Pretty quick ride all things considered. The BART station is directly across the street from the Hotel Shattuck, couldn't ask for anything more perfect. They say there is parking but very limited so I decided to take the Amtrak/ Bart down down and back home tomorrow evening.
I have already run into our own Lois Shumacher (you know, our new Preserves Editor) with her friend from Grass Valley. I went for a short walk around the block, An interesting mix of people and businesses. Bought some pop and came right back to the hotel. Berkeley streets have not changed in the past 50 years ,,.. lots of characters young and old, stoned and not, some sleeping on the sidewalk, others just hanging out, and others trying to survive, and still others have their guitars and other instruments out playing and singing for their next meal, for their next dollar. A guy pushing a baby stroller that was completely filled with probably everything he owned plus a huge grey striped cat purring away on top of it all- thank goodness no baby. This all brings me back to days after high school and into college. PEACE MAN!
Registering and coming to this event was the first time I had ever heard of the Hotel Shattuck but then two weeks ago on "Who Do You Think You Are?" with Kelsey Grammer there we were looking at documents about his family with Kelsey from the Hotel Shattuck from I believe the 1920's - 1930's.. Gosh what a small world. Now I am staying in the same hotel.
FYI: Just a little history.......... the hotel was selected and build on the corner of Shattuck & Allston in Berkeley after the 1906 earthquake and opened its doors in December 1910. It is built in the mission style which represents California's Architectural heritage. It was build by a Francis Kittredge Shattuck, William Hillegass & George Blake. An annex was started in 1914 which increased the hotel's size by 400% adding 120 guestrooms. The hotel has changed hands several times and a name change also - Whitecotton Hotel. But the name change back fairly soon. In 2007 the Hotel Shattuck Plaza was purchased, it was closed for over a year while undergoing an extensive multimillion dollar renovation, Now it is an upscale boutique hotel within a historic building. On my walk around the block of the hotel I did notice the familiar names of streets- Kittredge & Shattuck for just a couple (sorry for the blurry picture)
This is my favorite...... colorful carpet/ white walls
This is my floor outside my room......... the others are on my floor too but down the next hallway and etc etc,
Tomorrow will be a full day of sessions. I am excited to have the opportunity to mingle and talk with and ask questions of the representatives of the NEHGS - Chris Child and Alice Kane.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Thankful Thursday - We Will Never Forget!
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Rebuilding after 9/11
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Society Saturday - September Program with Backblaze
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
BACKBLAZE Secure Online Backup Made Simple
(be sure to scroll down on their website and read all about Backblaze)
Pre-Meeting: A big surprise for members that bring their laptops....... Backblaze will be prepared to install the Backblaze program onto your laptop FREE for 3 months. NO credit cards or exchange of money, no obligations. You will have an opportunity for three months to examine and explore this program. All our computers need a secure backup, and there are many to choose from - this is just one but it is an excellent choice and they are giving you a chance to use it for 3 months FREE........ not sure any of the others are allowing the usage of their program for FREE. NOTE: if you have external hard drives that you want backed up bring them with your laptop. It must be plugged into your laptop when they install the program. Just more value for your money ($0)
The installing of the program will be happening between 6:00pm to 7pm. So come early with your laptop and allow them to install the program and then stay for the meeting and their presentation.
NOTE: only will install Backblaze for new Backblaze users/accounts. They can not add to an existing account. If husband and wife each have a laptop that would be two separate installations - not one installation per family but per laptop. The team will stay as long as possible after the meeting ends to try to install all they can. But if any members that brought their laptops that don't get installed that night, they will receive a certificate for three free months of Backblaze and you can do the installation at home.
Backblaze Installer: Yev Pusin Yev is the Social Media Maven at Backblaze. He has presented at multiple events, including being the MC for Backblaze Demo Theater at RootsTech in 2013 and 2014
NOTE: I have had this installed on my laptop & my external drive last year at RootsTech. It was free, quick and painless. It does it's backup thing regularly and if the external drive is not plugged in they will send you a message. It runs in the background and does not interfere with other programs, or the internet. Fortunately, I can't tell you how great it is because my system has not crashed - thank goodness. AND that is a good thing. (knock on wood!)
Pre-Meeting: For those NOT participating in the installation of Backblaze on your laptop and for those that are), we will be having our regular pre-meeting roundtables. Join us for that, meet other members who maybe researching in the same area's as you. It is certainly a small world, you never know who you maybe related too. It will be held from 6:15pm to 7pm.........
7pm General Meeting activities. Announcements & Other Important Information.
Backblaze Presentation....... Visit their website, educate yourself and learn more, come prepared.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
September 11, 2014
Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society's
General Meeting
(something special for our members at this meeting)
BACKBLAZE Secure Online Backup Made Simple

(be sure to scroll down on their website and read all about Backblaze)
The In's and Out's of Data Backup with Backblaze
We all know we should back up our data, but 91% of people don't do it regularly and risk losing everything. Join us as we show you how easy data backup can be with Backblaze. We'll cover the set-up options and show you how easy it is to recover a single file, multiple files, or all your data whenever you need. We'll also cover how to use the Backblaze Mobile iPhone app to access your data from anywhere.
"We designed Backblaze unlike any other online software.There is no need to pick folders and files. Easy. Secure. Your computer is going to love it. "
Christ Community Church
5025 Manzanita Ave.
Carmichael, California
6:00pm to 7pm Pre-Meeting Activities
7pm to 8:30pm General Meeting
Pre-Meeting: A big surprise for members that bring their laptops....... Backblaze will be prepared to install the Backblaze program onto your laptop FREE for 3 months. NO credit cards or exchange of money, no obligations. You will have an opportunity for three months to examine and explore this program. All our computers need a secure backup, and there are many to choose from - this is just one but it is an excellent choice and they are giving you a chance to use it for 3 months FREE........ not sure any of the others are allowing the usage of their program for FREE. NOTE: if you have external hard drives that you want backed up bring them with your laptop. It must be plugged into your laptop when they install the program. Just more value for your money ($0)
The installing of the program will be happening between 6:00pm to 7pm. So come early with your laptop and allow them to install the program and then stay for the meeting and their presentation.
NOTE: only will install Backblaze for new Backblaze users/accounts. They can not add to an existing account. If husband and wife each have a laptop that would be two separate installations - not one installation per family but per laptop. The team will stay as long as possible after the meeting ends to try to install all they can. But if any members that brought their laptops that don't get installed that night, they will receive a certificate for three free months of Backblaze and you can do the installation at home.
Backblaze Installer: Yev Pusin Yev is the Social Media Maven at Backblaze. He has presented at multiple events, including being the MC for Backblaze Demo Theater at RootsTech in 2013 and 2014
NOTE: I have had this installed on my laptop & my external drive last year at RootsTech. It was free, quick and painless. It does it's backup thing regularly and if the external drive is not plugged in they will send you a message. It runs in the background and does not interfere with other programs, or the internet. Fortunately, I can't tell you how great it is because my system has not crashed - thank goodness. AND that is a good thing. (knock on wood!)
Pre-Meeting: For those NOT participating in the installation of Backblaze on your laptop and for those that are), we will be having our regular pre-meeting roundtables. Join us for that, meet other members who maybe researching in the same area's as you. It is certainly a small world, you never know who you maybe related too. It will be held from 6:15pm to 7pm.........
7pm General Meeting activities. Announcements & Other Important Information.
Backblaze Presentation....... Visit their website, educate yourself and learn more, come prepared.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Thankful Thursday ...... What Genealgocial Needs Do You Have That a Society Does Not Meet?
Editor's note: Today's post was by Sandra Gardner-Benward - This POST is directly from the San Mateo County Genealogical Society Blog
The discussion before this point on SMCGS blog is about "Why do members not RENEW their memberships?"
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
The discussion before this point on SMCGS blog is about "Why do members not RENEW their memberships?"
To this we might add the question “Why have you decided NOT to join a society?” What genealogical needs do you have that a society does not meet? Of course, you may not HAVE any genealogical needs, like the researcher I spoke to recently who announced “I’ve traced my family back to William the Conqueror and am taking it to Kinkos to be printed and bound.” Well fine. But is it sourced?? Do you have all the photos, maps, documents, wax seals to substantiate and fill out your history?
Oh…you do. Congratulations. Will you now take up hang gliding?
Or perhaps, just possibly, the genealogical society, local or otherwise, still has a place for you. Let’s take a look at the above list from a new perspective:
- o I added to the society’s online resources, and explained them to new users
- o I changed my focus to another region, or became the society expert in my region.
- o I contributed to the newsletter
- o I took up photography and created a book about my family
- o I showed people how I do genealogical research
- o I ran for the board and changed how the society was managed
- o I coordinated efforts between my society and another
- o I am teaching in the society
- o We went online, and open hours became a thing of the past
- o Parking is still a problem
- o From my contacts, I found new lecturers and workshop leaders
- o I’m always glad to share my experience with other members
There IS life after William the Conqueror. And your genealogical society can be a part of it. It doesn’t mean you can’t take up hang gliding as well.
Thanks to San Mateo County Genealogical Society. I love the way you turned the questions around to a positive. These suggestions are excellent and when I get to that point that I have nothing else to research I will refer back to all these great opportunities......... although I am already doing several of the items on the list, just ahead of myself.
Thanks to San Mateo County Genealogical Society. I love the way you turned the questions around to a positive. These suggestions are excellent and when I get to that point that I have nothing else to research I will refer back to all these great opportunities......... although I am already doing several of the items on the list, just ahead of myself.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Those Places Thursday - Library Window Displays
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Root Cellar SGS volunteer members have done it again..........a library display window has been decorated again this year. It is all in the name of Genealogy, History, Family Researching, & Root Cellar SGS. AND yes it is a big deal. It takes a number of volunteers to gather materials together and the time to decorate the display window. Don't forget it takes additional volunteers to tear down and clean up the display window at the end of the display time. BIG BIG Thank You to all that were involved. Check out a post from last year.
Check out Arden-Dimick Library display window; GO NOW. Our display will be up from September 2 -30 ... the entire month of September. Great job. Let us know what you thought. Leave a comment.
891 Watt Ave, Sacramento
Hours: closed/ Sunday & Monday; 10-6 Tuesday; 10-8 Wednesday & Thursday; 1-6 Friday; 10-5 Saturday
OCTOBER display windows will be up on October 2- 31, again available to view for the entire month of October.
North HighlandsAntelope Public Library
4235 Antelope Road
Antelope, California
Hours: closed Sunday & Monday; 10-8 Tuesday & Wednesday; 10-6 Thursday; 1-6 Friday; 10-5 Saturday
Fair Oaks Library
11601 Fair Oaks Blvd,
Sacramento, California
Hours: closed Sunday & Monday; 10-8 Tuesday & Wednesday; 10-6 Thursday; 1-6 Friday & 10-5 Saturday
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Root Cellar SGS volunteer members have done it again..........a library display window has been decorated again this year. It is all in the name of Genealogy, History, Family Researching, & Root Cellar SGS. AND yes it is a big deal. It takes a number of volunteers to gather materials together and the time to decorate the display window. Don't forget it takes additional volunteers to tear down and clean up the display window at the end of the display time. BIG BIG Thank You to all that were involved. Check out a post from last year.
Check out Arden-Dimick Library display window; GO NOW. Our display will be up from September 2 -30 ... the entire month of September. Great job. Let us know what you thought. Leave a comment.
891 Watt Ave, Sacramento
Hours: closed/ Sunday & Monday; 10-6 Tuesday; 10-8 Wednesday & Thursday; 1-6 Friday; 10-5 Saturday
OCTOBER display windows will be up on October 2- 31, again available to view for the entire month of October.
North HighlandsAntelope Public Library
4235 Antelope Road
Antelope, California
Hours: closed Sunday & Monday; 10-8 Tuesday & Wednesday; 10-6 Thursday; 1-6 Friday; 10-5 Saturday
Fair Oaks Library
11601 Fair Oaks Blvd,
Sacramento, California
Hours: closed Sunday & Monday; 10-8 Tuesday & Wednesday; 10-6 Thursday; 1-6 Friday & 10-5 Saturday
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Wordless Wednesday OR maybe TOO Wordy: Why Do You Join a Society? Why Don't You Renew Your Membership?
Editor's note: Today's post was partly written by Sandra Gardner Benward and includes an exert from the blog "Genealogy a la carte". Gail Dever ........
Genealogy a la carte, a news blog, has results back from a survey Gail Dever (owner of blog) sent out "Survey results indicate genealogists join societies for camaraderie" (but a lot more) And I am sure when you read through the information you will find a lot of your reasons for joining.
.....and then a follow up "Why did you not renew your genealogy society membership?" (very interesting and something that all societies need to address) You can click on the link above for more information but I have copied some of the suggested reasons that people do not renew their memberships.
This is the exert from the "Genealogy a la carte" blog............We have all joined societies and other groups for a specific reason and then not renewed. WHY?
*This is something that is always a problem with membership in societies for long distant member. Do we as a society have projects or activities that will interest long distant members or a draw for long distant membership - to retain them. As a member joining a society a long ways away -Yes I can find someone to help me with my research- sometimes Free sometimes for a fee. As a member joining a society a long ways away - Yes I can support them with monetary donations to support the organization and their other projects but I only have so much to give. As a member joining a society a long ways away - Yes there is a website, a publication maybe even a blog but how can I be of service to the organization while I are using ALL their services. Do you feel this way? Do you want to give back to this organization? Have you asked what you can do for them?
I have one great example to share about helping a society long distance and them retaining my membership: I am a long time member of the Ohio Genealogical Society. I am a Buckeye through and through, I was born in Ohio, barely lived there before my father went into the Army and off our family went to Europe. But I still feel a connection to Ohio and to this organization. They have given me a lot of help over the years and I wanted to help the society somehow. While reading through a newly arrived OSG Quarterly I found a small article that asked for help extracting obituaries .... It said even long distant members could help. I was excited and answered the request right away and within a couple of weeks I had a package filled with original obituaries to be extracted & keyed into their Ohio Obituary Project online connected to the Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center & Library. I have since finished that package, sent it back and have received a second package. It is not a difficult job since everything is from the newspapers there is no interpreting handwriting. I am thrilled and I really feel like I am helping and I feel like an active member of the Ohio Genealogical Society, not just a taker so I am a continuing member.
Probably one of the main reasons I do local extractions with Root Cellar SGS at the Center for Sacramento History every Friday morning is that I am hoping that someone(s) in the other U.S. states that I am researching is doing the same as I am here in California - EXTRACTING documents and other materials. I have barely a twig on my tree of a California ancestor but I continue extracting in California in hopes that my Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut ancestors documents are being extracted by someone else living in those places. I also do extractions because it is just fun, very interesting and lots of great stories to read.
Challenge: I certainly would love to see all Societies around the country look at what long distant members can do for them. Extracting and indexing seem to be good projects for those members. I am wondering about articles for their publications, blog or even website. People can work anywhere in the country and be a part of the technical arena. A distant member could be a board member when societies meet virtually. Why not? Have you considered Virtual Committee Meetings, Virtual Board Meetings, Webinar's for general meetings, workshops or Seminars. This appears to be the way of the future and is all available now. At least check it out, do the homework and see it if fits your organization.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Genealogy a la carte, a news blog, has results back from a survey Gail Dever (owner of blog) sent out "Survey results indicate genealogists join societies for camaraderie" (but a lot more) And I am sure when you read through the information you will find a lot of your reasons for joining.
.....and then a follow up "Why did you not renew your genealogy society membership?" (very interesting and something that all societies need to address) You can click on the link above for more information but I have copied some of the suggested reasons that people do not renew their memberships.
This is the exert from the "Genealogy a la carte" blog............We have all joined societies and other groups for a specific reason and then not renewed. WHY?
What are the main reasons you did not renew your genealogy society membership?
- I had exhausted all of the society’s online resources.
- My research in that region was finished.
- The newsletter did not interest me.
- I moved away.
- I took up another hobby.
- The members were snobby about how genealogy research should be done.
- I did not like how the society was managed.
- I joined another society.
- I was no longer learning from the society.
- Opening hours were not convenient.
- No parking.
- The lectures and workshops became stale.
- Staff/volunteers lacked adequate knowledge to assist members.
- *There were few benefits for a long-distance membership.
- Travel and vacation took me away too often.
- Personal reasons, such as health and family.
- I preferred to spend my money on subscription websites.
- The society had become stagnant and was not adapting to new methods and technology.
- The members were too old.
- The members were too young.
.............does any of this sound familiar? What would it take for you to continue your membership?
I have one great example to share about helping a society long distance and them retaining my membership: I am a long time member of the Ohio Genealogical Society. I am a Buckeye through and through, I was born in Ohio, barely lived there before my father went into the Army and off our family went to Europe. But I still feel a connection to Ohio and to this organization. They have given me a lot of help over the years and I wanted to help the society somehow. While reading through a newly arrived OSG Quarterly I found a small article that asked for help extracting obituaries .... It said even long distant members could help. I was excited and answered the request right away and within a couple of weeks I had a package filled with original obituaries to be extracted & keyed into their Ohio Obituary Project online connected to the Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center & Library. I have since finished that package, sent it back and have received a second package. It is not a difficult job since everything is from the newspapers there is no interpreting handwriting. I am thrilled and I really feel like I am helping and I feel like an active member of the Ohio Genealogical Society, not just a taker so I am a continuing member.
Probably one of the main reasons I do local extractions with Root Cellar SGS at the Center for Sacramento History every Friday morning is that I am hoping that someone(s) in the other U.S. states that I am researching is doing the same as I am here in California - EXTRACTING documents and other materials. I have barely a twig on my tree of a California ancestor but I continue extracting in California in hopes that my Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut ancestors documents are being extracted by someone else living in those places. I also do extractions because it is just fun, very interesting and lots of great stories to read.
Challenge: I certainly would love to see all Societies around the country look at what long distant members can do for them. Extracting and indexing seem to be good projects for those members. I am wondering about articles for their publications, blog or even website. People can work anywhere in the country and be a part of the technical arena. A distant member could be a board member when societies meet virtually. Why not? Have you considered Virtual Committee Meetings, Virtual Board Meetings, Webinar's for general meetings, workshops or Seminars. This appears to be the way of the future and is all available now. At least check it out, do the homework and see it if fits your organization.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Tuesday's Tip- V-J Day
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward

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