Monday, January 25, 2016

Tuesday's Tip - Spring Seminar2016 with Cyndi Ingle

Editor's note: Today's post was written by  Sandra Gardner-Benward

April 2, 2016
Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church
Fair Oaks Blvd, Fair Oaks, California
Speaker: Cyndi Ingle

A Guided Tour of Cyndi's List 2.0
Building a Digital Research Plan
The Internet: Lower Your Expectations to Raise Your Research Potential
Unappreciated Treasures: Libraries, Archives & Digital Collections 

I was lucky enough to attend SLIG (Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy) earlier this month (January) in Salt Lake City - classes and the LIBRARY all in one place ….  Wow!! Who could ask for more! ….hang on, there is more.

On Saturday I had dinner with Cyndi Ingle, Paula Stuart-Warren (I know I know name dropping again) and 40 or more other genealogists at Benihana in Salt Lake City. What a treat, it was my first time at Benihana’s and a more intimate evening with Cyndi, Paula and others.  Great way of starting off a conference………….
I saw Cyndi here and there over the next few days. But one day at the library I decided to stop and talk with her and ask for a short interview. I thought that those of you attending or thinking about attending Root Cellar’s Spring Seminar April 2, 2016 which will feature Cyndi Ingle would like to hear a little bit about her. You might like to know that she is a very nice person, very approachable and has a great sense of humor. She is well liked and is well respected within the genealogical community. She lives on the west coast in Washington State.

So the interview begins………………  a big thank you to Cyndi for making time for me.

Cyndi Ingle of Cyndi’s List
It all began for Cyndi in her senior year of high school in 1980. She got together with her Aunt and went through all types of documents and papers, and putting together family groups sheets. She was hooked (and you know what I mean - hooked line and sinker) and fast forward to today with her as an accomplished well known speaker, author, blogger, webmaster and of course a family researcher. She is also working on completion to become a certified genealogist.  What a great goal!! -having the confidence, experience to help other people with their research.  It is one thing to listen to someone and make a couple of suggestions and quite another to know where to look and what to look for to actually make a difference in their research.  Good Luck Cyndi.

At her beginning of research, there were no genealogical libraries, societies in Washington state. She wanted to put her findings on the computer, but it was not like it is today with all kinds of resources and family history software programs to use. Cyndi is completely self taught………  with computer language/codes and family history.  Her first piece of software was FamilyTreeMaker in DOS in the late 1980’s. But no sourcing yet.  In  the early 1990’s she was on AOL – a complete community in itself, but she thought  there has got to be more to this than just this community – and of course there was,  it is called the INTERNET. I think we have heard of it but it has continued to improve and grow month by month, year by year, decade by decade………… She joined the Dacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society and they were very encouraging and supportive. She wrote an article with the beginnings of her links and the Internet.  Encouraged, she put up her article on the Internet and then contacted varies organizations(ie Roots Web)  that she was up and running. And that we will say is history………………..

If you have not experienced please go and see what it is all about.  AND if you want to know more, register for the Root Cellar’s Spring Seminar.

Keeping up her website is a full time job……….  It has grown to be a gigantic website with hundreds of subjects and hundreds of links under each subject. GINORMOUS!! Making sure that ALL is working as it should, making sure that all the hot links are HOT. AND searching for the newest resources and getting them up online. You know as well as I do that links go up quickly and are bad the next time you go there. This is so frustrating not to have that resource available. Cyndi is constantly reviewing links and checking her email. People will send her new resources, let her know that something is not working or other information. She is always checking, checking and checking again………… (so now you can help by letting her know when a link in not working....... thank you in advance)  

Cyndi does do her own research ‘in her spare time’. Some of her surnames are

Her main locations of research are the Midwest to California, Indiana, Virginia, Dakota’s to Washington State…………  

Anyone see a surname that might match in your family tree?  You can certainly talk with her on Seminar day.
Hope that we see you at the Spring Seminar on April 2……….. 

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