I just received my Family Tree Magazine Dec2011 and I was thrilled to read about California Genealogical Society & Library (CGS)- Oakland CA. A big congratulations to the California Genealogical Society and Library, this is really a big honor for the Society. (page 20-26)
"Well-Stated" Trace your US ancestors from sea to shining sea with these 75 great state websites.
IThis is a excellent article to help researching around the country.
The articles states, "In selecting this year's best state websites for genealogy, we were on the lookout for databases where you can look for a relative's name. Many of the 75 sites (at least one per state) have indexed, and in many cases, you can even view images of original records. We salute the efforts of these state archives, historical societies, and genealogical societies - and even a few ambitious indivduals - for making genealogical and historical information available online...............
California has two listings............
California Digital Newspaper Collection (cdnc.ucr.edu) access more than 5 millin California newspaper articles from 1846 to 2009
California Genealogical Society and Library ..... (californiaancestors.org) Click the Databases tab to search more than 350,000 records - including voter registers, probate records, cemetery records and more - in the California Names Index for free. If your ancestor's name appears, you can order a copy of the original record for $10. Members have online access to San Francisco church records and newspapers. (if you have California research this could be a very helpful resource)
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Following Friday
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Ancestry.com - Thursday Timely Message
This arrived in my email box and I wanted to share it with all of you
FREE access and prizes!!!!!!!!! YEA! we like FREE and PRIZES, plus help with our research.
"We're celebrating 15 years of Ancestry.com with 15 days of FREE access and prizes.
You are invited to a 15-day celebration of your story -- and ours. Visit Ancestry.com daily -October 1 through October 15- to search some of our favorite collections for free and enter for a chance to win the prize of the day in the 15 day Day of DiscoverySweepstakes.
Sign up by midnight (ET) September 29th to receive text messages with daily updates about special collections and prizes right on your cell phone.
Each day starting October 12011 we'll reveal a collection you can search for free through midnight (ET) on October 15, 2011. You can't win if you don't enter. Good Luck and Happy Researching.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for a Timely Thursday on Wednesday
FREE access and prizes!!!!!!!!! YEA! we like FREE and PRIZES, plus help with our research.
"We're celebrating 15 years of Ancestry.com with 15 days of FREE access and prizes.
You are invited to a 15-day celebration of your story -- and ours. Visit Ancestry.com daily -October 1 through October 15- to search some of our favorite collections for free and enter for a chance to win the prize of the day in the 15 day Day of DiscoverySweepstakes.
Sign up by midnight (ET) September 29th to receive text messages with daily updates about special collections and prizes right on your cell phone.
Each day starting October 12011 we'll reveal a collection you can search for free through midnight (ET) on October 15, 2011. You can't win if you don't enter. Good Luck and Happy Researching.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for a Timely Thursday on Wednesday
Saturday, September 24, 2011
You're Invited! Climbing Brick Walls in Roseville
All are invited to hear Glenda Gardner Lloyd speak at the Roseville Genealogical Society meeting.
Glenda Gardner Lloyd is a fourth generation Californian; she grew up on a cattle ranch in northeastern California and attended a one-room county school. She received her BA from the University of California at Santa Barbara and her MA from California State University, Sacramento. She taught elementary school and worked as a reading specialist for 38 years.
Genealogy is her hobby and passion. Glenda helped organized Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society and was their first president. She has taught genealogy classes through San Juan Adult Education School for the past 25 years and participates in local seminars for the California State Archives, Sacramento Regional Family Center, and Sacramento Public Library. She has lectured for the Salt Lake Institute and does workshops for many local societies.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
- When: Tuesday, September 27, 2011
- Where: Maidu Senior Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville, California
- Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
- Program: Climbing Brick Walls
Glenda Gardner Lloyd is a fourth generation Californian; she grew up on a cattle ranch in northeastern California and attended a one-room county school. She received her BA from the University of California at Santa Barbara and her MA from California State University, Sacramento. She taught elementary school and worked as a reading specialist for 38 years.
Genealogy is her hobby and passion. Glenda helped organized Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society and was their first president. She has taught genealogy classes through San Juan Adult Education School for the past 25 years and participates in local seminars for the California State Archives, Sacramento Regional Family Center, and Sacramento Public Library. She has lectured for the Salt Lake Institute and does workshops for many local societies.
- Please complete your Surname cards and bring them to the meeting.
- Our newsletter will be at this meeting. For those of you who receive it by mail, come to the meeting and pick up one to save us from mailing it to you. They will be at the Membership table.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Friday, September 23, 2011
Follow Friday: Amy Coffin, Guest Blogger
It is a pleasure to welcome Amy Coffin, MLIS, as our first Guest Blogger!
(with a tip of the hat to Thomas MacEntee)
(with a tip of the hat to Thomas MacEntee)
Amy has been a Follower of our blog for some time. She's a native Californian now living in Texas, the author of her personal blog, We Tree Genealogy Blog and website AmyCoffin.com. Amy recently published 25 Great Topics for Genealogy Societies (free download) and is an Official Blogger for RootsTech 2012. These links are well-worth reading and following.
Expand Your Horizons through Genealogy Blogs
What are the best tools for acquiring the latest news and updates in the genealogy world? Magazines and journals make the list. What about blogs? They are a great source for genealogy news and commentary. You know this, which is why you’re reading the Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society blog. Yet there are many other great genealogy blogs out there that can keep you informed about your specific research interests. Here are some reasons why it’s a good idea to regularly read a variety of genealogy blogs:
Keep tabs on local genealogy events and big conferences
There are several vibrant genealogy societies with blogs in the northern California area and beyond. Each does its part to keep subscribers informed of the exciting activities happening in the vicinity. You’d think all these blogs would repeat the same information but that’s usually not the case. Explore the regional blogs in your area and follow the ones that pique your interest.
Geneabloggers.com has a fabulous directory that organizes almost 2,000 blogs by type. Check out the California blog category for many society blogs that fit the bill.
Learn more about your research interests
Whether you have a genealogical connection to a specific locality or ethnicity, there are blogs that match your needs. Explore the blog categories at Geneabloggers.com to see all there is available on these subjects.
For example, blogs about German genealogy may provide new research ideas or assistance with the challenges of searching for records in another country. Often blogs geared toward a specific subject are written by authors with authority. These are the people that know the latest news in these categories, so reading their blogs is a great way to stay current.
Make friends
Expanding your blog horizons is an easy way to make good genealogy friends. Really! When you read blogs and make comments, a dialogue starts. Eventually, you and a blog’s author get to know each other online. You establish a network of fellow genealogists and friends who will provide assistance online and a friendly face should you ever meet in person.
Genealogy bloggers as a whole are a wonderful bunch who love to talk about family history. Visit several blogs and find some that match your interests, humor or whatever strikes your fancy. You’ll be fast friends in no time.
Parting thoughts
I can’t espouse the benefits of reading genealogy blogs without sharing a tip on how to manage the process. Google Reader is a free tool that helps you manage all of the blogs you want to read. It lets you subscribe to the blogs of your choice, then tells you when they’ve been updated eliminating the need to keep visiting blog websites all the time. Take the Google Reader tour, learn how to set up a free account and get on your way.
Special thanks to Denise Richmond of the Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society for the opportunity for me to be a guest blogger and share one of my favorite family history activities. Expand your blogging horizons and make new discoveries every day. It’s a great time to be a genealogist!
Amy Coffin’s We Tree Genealogy Blog was named one of Family Tree Magazine’s Top 40 genealogy blogs in 2010 and 2011. She is the author of several articles on blogging including 25 Great Topics for Genealogy Society Blogs.
Follow Friday is just one of the daily blog themes suggested on Geneabloggers. Get your ancestors noticed here - submit content to rootcellarsgs@gmail.com
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
25 Great Topics for Genealogy Societies,
Amy Coffin,
Guest Blogger,
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thankful Thursday - Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
UpFront with NGS, the National Genealogical Society (NGS) blog, recently posted an article about genealogy volunteers and Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness or RAOGK for short. It reminded me how collegial the genealogy community is. I am always benefiting from the free guidance, tips, advice - you name it - from members of Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society, sister societies and bloggers or received at meetings, workshops, conferences, jamborees...and websites like RAOGK. Check it out for yourself. Thank you!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Thankful Thursday is just one of the daily blog themes suggested on Geneabloggers. Get your ancestors noticed here - submit content to rootcellarsgs@gmail.com
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Connections between Crow's Landing and Towle
Emma Jane Prewett (Crow) and Edna Ardella (Della) Towle, Grandmother and Granddaughter circa 1907. If you are interested in the story of the connection between these two California towns, you need to read the story in October's issue of Root Cellar's Preserves.
Submitted by Judy Willey
Posted by Ron Setzer
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
You're Invited! Crawling in Sacramento
Crawling in Sacramento? What's going on here?
Start off at any of the host locations listed above---- then "crawl" to the others using the map provided in your Archives Crawl passport. At each location, you can view archival collections on display and take behind-the-scenes tours. Representatives from other archives and special collections libraries will be on hand to discuss their archival collections - historic photographs, rare books, historic artifacts - and answer your questions about how to connect with local history resources. Those who have their passports stamped by at least three of the host locations will receive a set of limited-edition collectible coasters with images from Sacramento's former Buffalo Brewing Company.
Self-promotion: Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society, a sponsor of Family History Day, will have an exhibit at the California State Archives location. Our Librarian, Sammie Hudgens, and her team will be available to describe the extensive reference collections in our genealogical library housed at the State Archives.
Hope to see you there! Knee-pads optional!
- Event: “Explore History: Sacramento Archives Crawl”
- Date: Saturday, October 1, 2011
- Time: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Places:
- California State Archives (1020 O Street)
- California State Library (900 N Street)
- Center for Sacramento History (551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd.)
- Sacramento Public Library (828 I Street)
Start off at any of the host locations listed above---- then "crawl" to the others using the map provided in your Archives Crawl passport. At each location, you can view archival collections on display and take behind-the-scenes tours. Representatives from other archives and special collections libraries will be on hand to discuss their archival collections - historic photographs, rare books, historic artifacts - and answer your questions about how to connect with local history resources. Those who have their passports stamped by at least three of the host locations will receive a set of limited-edition collectible coasters with images from Sacramento's former Buffalo Brewing Company.
Self-promotion: Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society, a sponsor of Family History Day, will have an exhibit at the California State Archives location. Our Librarian, Sammie Hudgens, and her team will be available to describe the extensive reference collections in our genealogical library housed at the State Archives.
Hope to see you there! Knee-pads optional!
Monday, September 19, 2011
You're Invited! Beginning Writing Presentation
You will be busy this coming Wednesday. After attending the Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society workshop on Wednesday, September 21st, head to El Dorado Hills.
All are welcome to hear Marian Kile speak at the next El Dorado Hills Genealogical Society meeting.
Plan to arrive 15+ minutes early in order to have a chance to chat with fellow genealogy enthusiasts. The short business meeting will start promptly at 6:15 p.m. Visitors are welcome at these 3rd Wednesday of each month evening meetings. If you have questions, please send us an email.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
All are welcome to hear Marian Kile speak at the next El Dorado Hills Genealogical Society meeting.
- Date: Wednesday, September 21
- Time: 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Place: El Dorado Hills Branch Library community room, 7455 Silva Valley Pkwy., El Dorado Hills
- Topic: Beginning Writing
Plan to arrive 15+ minutes early in order to have a chance to chat with fellow genealogy enthusiasts. The short business meeting will start promptly at 6:15 p.m. Visitors are welcome at these 3rd Wednesday of each month evening meetings. If you have questions, please send us an email.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
You're Invited! Genealogy Workshop and Reunion SIG
See you at the next Root Cellar Wednesdays and bring a friend!
Wednesday, September 21
Wednesday, September 28
Wednesday, September 21
- What: Root Cellar Workshop
- Program: Facilitator John Jay will present two brickwall challenges he received; Rick Hanson will give a review a periodical to which he subscribes; and more.
- Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
- Location: Clubhouse at Country Squire Estates, 5720 Oak Hill Drive, Sacramento
Wednesday, September 28
- What: Root Cellar Reunion SIG, open to members and non-members
- Program: Brainstorming solutions to users’ problems and questions; other topics include splitting family trees within Reunion; important research books such as Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills; and discussion about Typinator vs. TextExpander
- Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
- Location: Family History Center, 2745 Eastern Ave, Sacramento
- Contact: Ron Setzer, PreservesEditor@macnexus.org to be added to email list
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Military Monday - Donald Lester Whitney
Donald Lester Whitney
b. 31 March 1926 in Wentworth, New Hampshire
d. 6 March 2010 in Lincoln, Placer, California
Submitted by Robyn Whitney Fitzwater
Posted by Ron Setzer
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Blog Alert - Family History Day at the California State Archives
Psst, pass it on! The Family History Day blog is a happening place these days. It has the 411 on the speakers and exhibitors attending this annual event. The event flyer and list of speakers and class topics have now been posted. Check it out.
Also, period attire is the dress of the day. Don yer duds and dresses like your ancestors wore and come on down to the California State Archives on Saturday, October 15, 2011.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Also, period attire is the dress of the day. Don yer duds and dresses like your ancestors wore and come on down to the California State Archives on Saturday, October 15, 2011.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Family History Day,
State Archives
Sunday's Obituary - Carlos Vincent Beyer
Carlos Vincent Beyer was born December 14, 1895, in New Orleans. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Beyer. When quite a small boy his parents moved to Bay St. Louis, where he entered the public schools. Some years later his parents moved to Ocean Springs. Here he became deeply interested in the study and culture of citrus fruits. Removing some five years ago to Wiggins he and his father took charge of the nursery of that place, and for two years he was engaged in setting out the orange groves in that vicinity. In September, 1914, he entered the Harrison County Agricultural High School to prepare himself to enter upon the study of his chosen profession, that of an entomologist. He was a student of this school until the time of his death, which occurred in Wiggins, December 12, 1915. His school mates accompanied his body to Ocean Springs, where his funeral was held at the Catholic Church of that place. Memorial services were conducted at the same hour in the Agricultural High School by Rev. Sells of Wiggins and Rev. Davis of Perkinston under the direction of the Junior Class, of which he was a member.
As a student Carlos was ambitious and conscientious, carefully preparing each day the assignments, satisfied only with his best efforts. In every phase of school life he proved himself faithful and trustworthy. His death was a shock to the entire school, where he was respected and loved by both faculty and student body.
[transcribed from obituary in unknown newspaper.]
Posted by Ron Setzer
Saturday, September 17, 2011
UPDATE - You're Invited! Searching Secrets to Ancestry.com Presentation
New speaker and topic.
All are welcome to hear Victoria Fisch speak at the Jewish Genealogical Society meeting. Victoria will step in due to the illness of the previously scheduled speaker.
About the Speaker
Victoria Fisch is the current president of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento and is the northern California editor of the Western States Jewish History Journal. She is currently editing a book on the historical Jewish community of Santa Cruz, and is a researcher of the Jews of the Gold Rush. Her Ancestry.com trees contain thousands of individuals and her experience with this website has given her insight into how to make it work for you. During her talk Monday evening she'll go online with Ancestry.com.
For more information, visit the Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento website or send us an e-mail.
See you there!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
All are welcome to hear Victoria Fisch speak at the Jewish Genealogical Society meeting. Victoria will step in due to the illness of the previously scheduled speaker.
- Date: Monday, September 19th
- Time: 7 p.m.
- Place: Albert Einstein Residence Center, 1935 Wright St., Sacramento
- Topic: "Searching Secrets to Ancestry.com"
About the Speaker
Victoria Fisch is the current president of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento and is the northern California editor of the Western States Jewish History Journal. She is currently editing a book on the historical Jewish community of Santa Cruz, and is a researcher of the Jews of the Gold Rush. Her Ancestry.com trees contain thousands of individuals and her experience with this website has given her insight into how to make it work for you. During her talk Monday evening she'll go online with Ancestry.com.
For more information, visit the Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento website or send us an e-mail.
See you there!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
You're Invited! Nisanen Indians and Genealogy Presentation
Visitors are welcome to hear April Moore at the next Placer County Genealogy Society (PCGS) regular monthly meeting,
April Moore is an indigenous Nisenan Maidu and Welmelti Washoe of California; she was born and raised in the Auburn area. Her family maintained much of the native culture, meaning they were traditionally taught by their grandparents and elders. She is active within the Maidu/Washoe culture and involved with the Maidu Traditionalists, a group preserving the Maidu songs and traditional dances as well as preserving the knowledge of assembling regalia used in the dances.
Her cultural background enabled her to become a Chapa-De Indian Health board member. She retired from twenty-eight years of service to the Placer Hills Union School District over four years ago. One of her jobs was the Indian Education coordinator, cultural educator, resource person, and tutor for the numerous Native American students within the district. She also conducted demonstrations on Maidu culture and lecture at surrounding schools. She worked as an archaeological technician/Native American monitor in Placer County, Nevada County and Sacramento County as well as with the U.S. Forest Service. She participated with Placer County Museum system, Maidu Museum and the Coloma State Park (Gold Discovery Park) and various historical and civic groups, which included demonstrations and lectures on Maidu culture.
Recently she has been involved with the Federal Regulatory Commission re-licensing process for Pacific Gas & Electric, Nevada Irrigation District and Placer County Water Agency as a representative for the Nisenan Maidu in the service area. Along with other community folks they have developed Historical Properties and Native American Traditional Cultural properties guidelines which will assist the agencies in any sensitive areas, historical as well as aboriginal history and pre-historical issues.
Her brother, Alan Wallace, and she have been working with Sierra Native Alliance teaching the Nisenan Maidu language to interested people (youth as well). They have also been compiling family history and documenting culturally sensitive sites in their traditional homelands (Maidu & Washoe). She feels that it is her purpose and duty as a Nisenan Maidu to keep their lifeways, knowledge and language alive and to encourage others to remember who they are and help them to broaden their knowledge and take pride in their aboriginal heritage. It is also important to educate others of their rich culture and make aware that there are still Native peoples who still practice and live their culture.
For more information on the Society, its Study Group, Family TreeMaker User Group and regular meeting activity, see the Society's Web page or call toll free at 1-866-894-2076.
See you there!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
- Date: Thursday, September 22nd
- Time: 7 pm
- Place: Beecher Room of the Auburn Library, 350 Nevada Street, Auburn
- Topic: "Nisanen Indians and Genealogy"
April Moore is an indigenous Nisenan Maidu and Welmelti Washoe of California; she was born and raised in the Auburn area. Her family maintained much of the native culture, meaning they were traditionally taught by their grandparents and elders. She is active within the Maidu/Washoe culture and involved with the Maidu Traditionalists, a group preserving the Maidu songs and traditional dances as well as preserving the knowledge of assembling regalia used in the dances.
Her cultural background enabled her to become a Chapa-De Indian Health board member. She retired from twenty-eight years of service to the Placer Hills Union School District over four years ago. One of her jobs was the Indian Education coordinator, cultural educator, resource person, and tutor for the numerous Native American students within the district. She also conducted demonstrations on Maidu culture and lecture at surrounding schools. She worked as an archaeological technician/Native American monitor in Placer County, Nevada County and Sacramento County as well as with the U.S. Forest Service. She participated with Placer County Museum system, Maidu Museum and the Coloma State Park (Gold Discovery Park) and various historical and civic groups, which included demonstrations and lectures on Maidu culture.
Recently she has been involved with the Federal Regulatory Commission re-licensing process for Pacific Gas & Electric, Nevada Irrigation District and Placer County Water Agency as a representative for the Nisenan Maidu in the service area. Along with other community folks they have developed Historical Properties and Native American Traditional Cultural properties guidelines which will assist the agencies in any sensitive areas, historical as well as aboriginal history and pre-historical issues.
Her brother, Alan Wallace, and she have been working with Sierra Native Alliance teaching the Nisenan Maidu language to interested people (youth as well). They have also been compiling family history and documenting culturally sensitive sites in their traditional homelands (Maidu & Washoe). She feels that it is her purpose and duty as a Nisenan Maidu to keep their lifeways, knowledge and language alive and to encourage others to remember who they are and help them to broaden their knowledge and take pride in their aboriginal heritage. It is also important to educate others of their rich culture and make aware that there are still Native peoples who still practice and live their culture.
For more information on the Society, its Study Group, Family TreeMaker User Group and regular meeting activity, see the Society's Web page or call toll free at 1-866-894-2076.
See you there!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
April Moore,
Membership Meeting,
Nisanen Indians,
Placer County Genealogical Society,
Friday, September 16, 2011
Follow Friday
A Shoutout for an Interesting Blog
I have been following The Ancestry Insider blog for the past few weeks and am very impressed with the thoroughness of the articles. It is worth a look. As the blogger himself describes the blog, "The Ancestry Insider: The unofficial, unauthorized view of Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org. The Ancestry Insider reports on, defends, and constructively criticizes these two websites and associated topics. The author attempts to fairly and evenly support both." Go to http://ancestryinsider.blogspot.com/ to find the blog.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Root Cellar's Meeting
Root Cellar's Meeting
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
If you missed last night's meeting, you did not hear Linda Johnson, Senior Archivist at the California State Archives, describe county records in the archives.
In addition, you did not celebrate George Marks's 90th birthday with us. George is one of the charter members of Root Cellar. Here Glenda Lloyd takes gentle kidding from George.
Hope to see you with us next month.
Posted by Ron Setzer
FGS Recognizes Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society for Unique Program Idea
The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) conference in Springfield, Illinois on September 7-10 inaugurated a new feature this year called "Society Showcase". For a modest fee of $25, a genealogical society could display publications and promote activities at tables arranged along the periphery of the exhibit hall.
Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society received a kind offer from Kathryn Doyle of the California Genealogical Society in Oakland to share their table. We accepted and displayed our Divorce, Coroners and Women Entrepreneurs publications; the publications list; the Preserves; Family History Day and Spring Seminar flyers, and membership brochures.
Thursday, September 8th was Society Showcase night. From 6pm to 8pm, we were at our assigned tables. (click on photo to enlarge) Attendees throughout the U.S. stopped by to chat and tell us about their California ancestors. A few did not have any ancestors in California! (gasp!) The exhibit hall was also buzzing that night because of several drawings at most exhibit booths for some pretty cool prizes. I, alas, have yet to receive a call about my winning entry.
During the evening, each society was asked to list their unique activities in several categories including member benefits, programs, and fundraising. The FGS Conference Committee reviewed all submissions and identified several "winning" ideas on the FGS Blog. Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society was recognized in the "Program" category for its Blog Instructions, FAQs, etc. Read the complete FGS Blog article.

Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society received a kind offer from Kathryn Doyle of the California Genealogical Society in Oakland to share their table. We accepted and displayed our Divorce, Coroners and Women Entrepreneurs publications; the publications list; the Preserves; Family History Day and Spring Seminar flyers, and membership brochures.
Thursday, September 8th was Society Showcase night. From 6pm to 8pm, we were at our assigned tables. (click on photo to enlarge) Attendees throughout the U.S. stopped by to chat and tell us about their California ancestors. A few did not have any ancestors in California! (gasp!) The exhibit hall was also buzzing that night because of several drawings at most exhibit booths for some pretty cool prizes. I, alas, have yet to receive a call about my winning entry.
During the evening, each society was asked to list their unique activities in several categories including member benefits, programs, and fundraising. The FGS Conference Committee reviewed all submissions and identified several "winning" ideas on the FGS Blog. Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society was recognized in the "Program" category for its Blog Instructions, FAQs, etc. Read the complete FGS Blog article.

Thank you again FGS, and Kathryn, we could not have achieved this without you!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Thirteen Children
James Herman Lage (b. 14 April 1875, d. 19 February 1974), Augusta Witt Lage (b. 8 February 1878, d. 8 June 1838) and their thirteen children.
Submitted by DeAnna Lage Setzer
Posted by Ron Setzer
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tombstone Tuesday
Bessie Boyd Rosser
16 April 1884
27 December 1963
Army Nurse Corps during WWI
This goes along with yesterday's posting. Further prodding may create responses.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Monday, September 12, 2011
Matrilineal Monday
I have a brick wall on my matrilineal line, and I need help finding more about her. Bessie Boyd Rosser (b. 16 April 1884 in Alabama, d. 27 December 1963 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California) was my Great
Aunt. She was a trained nurse working at a sanitarium in Texas in 1910 (US Census). She served in the Army Nurse Corps during World War I (starting date: 17 July 1917, ending date: 5 March 1919; according to US Veterans Gravesites, CA. 1775-2006, on-line database, Ancestry.com). The 1920 and 1930 US Censuses indicate that she continued to work as a "trained nurse" in the San Diego area. Apparently she never married and was buried in the Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery after her death. Do you have any suggests to further investigate Bessie? Please email them to me at rootcellarsgs@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Sunday, September 11, 2011
FGS Conference 2011 - Epilogue
The Federation of Genealogical Societies 2011 conference in Springfield, Illinois came to a close yesterday. Today, we attended the first annual FGS Farewell Brunch for the many people who were still in town. What a ride these past four days! My head is spinning with strategies and techniques for society management and family research (some new, some refreshers). Once home, I hope to research with renewed vigor and share some highlights with you at the next Root Cellar workshop.
For the first time at a conference we attended every luncheon. Would it be more convenient than looking for a cafe? Would it taste better than concession fare? Yes and yes. It also gave us a special opportunity to interact with many other genealogists at the table and to hear a speaker. I recommend it if your budget allows. I may not have otherwise learned about the extensive genealogical collection at the Warren County Ohio library housed in the courthouse building. In the same building I can go to the archives and recorder's offices - literally a one-stop shop! My Clark and Brown ancestors lived in and near Warren County.
For the first time at a conference we attended every luncheon. Would it be more convenient than looking for a cafe? Would it taste better than concession fare? Yes and yes. It also gave us a special opportunity to interact with many other genealogists at the table and to hear a speaker. I recommend it if your budget allows. I may not have otherwise learned about the extensive genealogical collection at the Warren County Ohio library housed in the courthouse building. In the same building I can go to the archives and recorder's offices - literally a one-stop shop! My Clark and Brown ancestors lived in and near Warren County.
Silly highlights
- NARA lingo is affectionately called Archi-jive. If you have used NARA, online or at a research center, you already speak Archi-jive: RG, DP, RIP, PI (record group, descriptive pamphlet, research information pamphlet, and preliminary inventory).
- On the last day (4) of the conference, inside the usually crowded elevator, someone said it was going to the lobby and so, we all broke out in song "let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby and get ourself some treats". We were all howling as we left the elevator!
I took several pictures in the exhibit hall to give a feel of the show if you have not attended a large genealogical conference. Click on the arrow or box above for a slideshow. Click again to go full-screen and the Esc(ape) key to return to the post.
Classes I attended with speaker's name are listed below.
- How to Develop and Implement Affordable Member Benefits, George G. Morgan
- Engaging a New Generation of Genealogists, D. Joshua Taylor
- Finding and Keeping Volunteers, Amy Johnson Crow
- Brainstorming: Marketing Your Society, Thomas MacEntee and Linda Herrick Swisher
- The Jones Jinx - Tracing Common Surnames, Thomas W. Jones
- Immigrant Cluster Communities: Past, Present, Future, Lisa A. Alzo
- After Mustering Out: Researching Civil War Veterans, Amy Johnson Crow
- Navigating the 1890 Gap - Research with State Census Records, Kris Rzepczynski
- Using Records in the National Archives: A Researcher's View, Marie Varrelman Melchiori
- Using Correlation to Reveal Facts That No Record States, Thomas W. Jones
- Gateway to the West: Researching in Ohio, Diane VanSkiver Gagel
- Workshop: Developing a Basic Research Plan, J. Mark Lowe
Mark your calendars for some of the many future conferences and create a travel budget now:
29 Aug - 1 Sep 2012 - FGS Conference, Birmingham, Alabama
2013 - FGS Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana
9-12 May 2012 - National Genealogical Society (NGS) Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio
8-11 May 2013 - NGS Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada
8-10 June 2012 - Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree, Burbank, California
29 Aug - 1 Sep 2012 - FGS Conference, Birmingham, Alabama
2013 - FGS Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana
9-12 May 2012 - National Genealogical Society (NGS) Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio
8-11 May 2013 - NGS Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada
8-10 June 2012 - Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree, Burbank, California
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Society Sunday - Meet-up at Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society
Psst, pass it on - the California State Archives has county records.
What's going on here?
Find out on Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Citrus Heights Community Clubhouse
6921 Sylvan Way
Citrus Heights
More info: Sandi Benward 916-412-3511
Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society will host Linda Johnson, Senior Archivist at the California State Archives. Linda will describe the many types of county records held at the Archives and answer audience questions. Please come and bring a friend to hear about county resources in an unexpected place.
Linda began her own family history search in 1988 when enrolled in an undergraduate class at CSU, Sacramento. She went on to receive her Master of Arts degree in Public History in 1993. As a graduate student, she interned at the California State Archives for three years and at the San Joaquin County Historical Society for 6 months. After graduation, she worked as assistant archivist at the Center for Sacramento History followed by collections manager for the manuscript and archival collections at Shields Library, UC Davis.
In October 1997, Linda accepted a position at the California State Archives, where she has worked in a variety of program areas. She is currently the Reference Coordinator and has responsibility for all activities related to the Reference Program. Linda has participated in the annual Family History Day since its inception in 1999 and will be a speaker this year. In addition to the Family History Day engagements, she has been a presenter at several local genealogical and historical societies.
Reminder - Family History Day at the California State Archives
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Get your notebooks ready and prepare your period costume!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
What's going on here?
Find out on Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Citrus Heights Community Clubhouse
6921 Sylvan Way
Citrus Heights
More info: Sandi Benward 916-412-3511
Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society will host Linda Johnson, Senior Archivist at the California State Archives. Linda will describe the many types of county records held at the Archives and answer audience questions. Please come and bring a friend to hear about county resources in an unexpected place.
Linda began her own family history search in 1988 when enrolled in an undergraduate class at CSU, Sacramento. She went on to receive her Master of Arts degree in Public History in 1993. As a graduate student, she interned at the California State Archives for three years and at the San Joaquin County Historical Society for 6 months. After graduation, she worked as assistant archivist at the Center for Sacramento History followed by collections manager for the manuscript and archival collections at Shields Library, UC Davis.
In October 1997, Linda accepted a position at the California State Archives, where she has worked in a variety of program areas. She is currently the Reference Coordinator and has responsibility for all activities related to the Reference Program. Linda has participated in the annual Family History Day since its inception in 1999 and will be a speaker this year. In addition to the Family History Day engagements, she has been a presenter at several local genealogical and historical societies.
Reminder - Family History Day at the California State Archives
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Get your notebooks ready and prepare your period costume!
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Society Sunday - Learn Social Networking at Roseville Genealogical Society
The Roseville Genealogical Society invites you to its next meeting.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Maidu Senior Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville, CA
1pm -3 pm
Program: Social Networking for the Genealogist presented by Tamara Noe
Social Networking for the Genealogist will cover a variety of technology tools that can be used to further your research by connecting with others.
Tamara Noe has been a volunteer at the Sacramento Regional Family History Center for over 9 years and is currently serving as a supervisor. She is also a writer for and the current editor of the Roseville Genealogical Society's newsletter. She has been teaching beginning, intermediate, and research genealogy classes as well as PowerPoint classes for the past 5 years. Always looking for ways to use technology in genealogy research, she recently finished taking a 6 week course on how to use social media in genealogy research.
Also, have you filled out your surnames cards yet? If so, please bring them to the meeting. If not, please fill them out and get them in.
Please sign in at the Senior desk and also at our table.
Everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Maidu Senior Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville, CA
1pm -3 pm
Program: Social Networking for the Genealogist presented by Tamara Noe
Social Networking for the Genealogist will cover a variety of technology tools that can be used to further your research by connecting with others.
Tamara Noe has been a volunteer at the Sacramento Regional Family History Center for over 9 years and is currently serving as a supervisor. She is also a writer for and the current editor of the Roseville Genealogical Society's newsletter. She has been teaching beginning, intermediate, and research genealogy classes as well as PowerPoint classes for the past 5 years. Always looking for ways to use technology in genealogy research, she recently finished taking a 6 week course on how to use social media in genealogy research.
Also, have you filled out your surnames cards yet? If so, please bring them to the meeting. If not, please fill them out and get them in.
Please sign in at the Senior desk and also at our table.
Everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Society Saturday - A German "Erntedankfest" September 18
Come on over! You are invited to one of the most colorful and German-delicious events of the year – the “Erntedankfest,” to be held on Sunday, September 18, and made possible by the German-American Cultural Center – Library of the Sacramento Turn Verein.
“Erntedankfest” translates to “Harvest Festival,” a basic annual event long celebrated by our German ancestors, who worked their farms with unforgettable sweat and diligence, and too often against terrible odds, given the storms, droughts and pestilences that were constant dangers for farmers' families. The state of each year's harvest served to predict – happily or with dread and fear – the stock of food that would be storied in cellars and pantries over the upcoming winter months. The Erntedankfest was, and still is, a giving of thanks for the fruits of the harvest – in one of the most colorful of German traditions.
We'll start off on the 18th with an Erntedankfest procession of adults and children leading a harvest wagon, parading to the strains of band-tempo music. All those in the procession will be dressed in their Trachten (traditional festival outfits), and carrying fruits, vegetables, grains, and flowers to place on the “altar” – as has been done for centuries in German village churches. Bring your camera if you like, as the scene will be well worth remembering. A brief slide-show will be offered to display beautiful scenes of the German harvest, as well as the tools and objects of barn and home that contributed to everydayfarm life.
We'll offer you a dinner consisting of German-traditional dishes, featuring Jägerschnitzel, Rotkohl (red cabbage), roasted potatoes and salad. (Special fare will be offered for vegetarians.) The meal will end with a dessert concocted by our fabulous German baker, Blattlers by Hoffmann. Drinks will be available at the bar.
SPECIAL NOTE: This year – one that has been especially difficult for so many people in Sacramento – we ask that each person attending bring at least one item of non-perishable food to contribute to the Sacramento Food Bank. Donations of money (cash or checks, payable to “Sacramento Food Bank”) may be substituted for food items. We're hoping to make the fall “harvest” a bit more plentiful for Sacramentans in need.
The event: A German “Erntedankfest” (Harvest Festival)
When: Sunday, September 18, starting at 4 p.m.
Where: In the Banquet Hall of the Sacramento Turn Verein, at 3349 J Street
Admission: $20 per person ($10 for children 12 and under)
R.S.V.P. Preferred. Send your check (payable to “GACC-L”) to: Gisela Parker,
3462 Patterson Way, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
For further information: 916-421-8032 (Identify yourself when asked electronically, and we pick up the phone and talk to you, if we're at home. Otherwise, leave a message for a call-back.)
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Society Saturday
Saturday Special - Bus Trip to Sutro Library
Genealogical Association of Sacramento (GAS) ANNOUNCEMENT:
The Sutro Bus trip is scheduled for Wed. January 25th 2012. The Sutro Branch of the California State Library will be transferring their collection to a new building on the San Francisco State University campus sometime this spring so they could not have us visit in March.
Have you been to the Sutro Branch of the California State Library? It is well worth the visit.
I have gone down to the Sutro Library several times on the bus with GAS and it is a pleasant trip. You don't do any driving and you can read, get organized, sleep, or get to know the others on the trip. It is alot of fun............... questions/sign up contact Melanie Howard melnesia@comcast.net
Sutro Library (Genealogy and Family History)
480 Winston Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 731-4477
FAX (415) 557-9325
Email for the library: sutro@library.ca.gov (check our the catalog, & if you have questions about what they have please contact them direct.
http://www.library.ca.gov/ Check under Catalogs & then explore.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Saturday Special
The Sutro Bus trip is scheduled for Wed. January 25th 2012. The Sutro Branch of the California State Library will be transferring their collection to a new building on the San Francisco State University campus sometime this spring so they could not have us visit in March.
Have you been to the Sutro Branch of the California State Library? It is well worth the visit.
I have gone down to the Sutro Library several times on the bus with GAS and it is a pleasant trip. You don't do any driving and you can read, get organized, sleep, or get to know the others on the trip. It is alot of fun............... questions/sign up contact Melanie Howard melnesia@comcast.net
Sutro Library (Genealogy and Family History)
480 Winston Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 731-4477
FAX (415) 557-9325
Email for the library: sutro@library.ca.gov (check our the catalog, & if you have questions about what they have please contact them direct.
http://www.library.ca.gov/ Check under Catalogs & then explore.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Saturday Special
Friday, September 9, 2011
Follow Friday - FGS "Pathways to the Heartlands" Springfield Illinois
The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) "Pathways to the Heartland" with the local hosts The Illinois State Genealogical Society- September 7-10, 2011 in Springfield, Illinois
Gather with the nation's genealogists in beautiful Springfield, Illinois for the Federation of Genealogical Societies 2011 Conference, Pathways to the Heartland...
......but if you can't be there in person FOLLOW along with our own Denise Richmond who will do some posting HERE while she is attending the conference. (she may have already done some posting before you read this).
....you can also follow the conference through FGS Facebook or their FGS Blogposted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Follow Friday
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Treasure Chest Thursday - C-SPAN - Library of Congress Video
Posted: 01 Sep 2011 05:00 AM PDT by Upfront with NGS (National Genealogical Society)
Interested in learning more about the Library of Congress?
Check out this video (1 hour, 31 minutes) created by C-Span.
C-SPAN's original feature documentary, The Library of Congress, is a behind-the-scenes look at the national repository, providing the history of the institution, a tour of its iconic Jefferson Building, and glimpses of some of the library's rare book, photo, and map collections. The film also featured some of the presidential papers housed at the Library of Congress, ranging from George Washington through Calvin Coolidge. Viewers learned how the library uses technology to preserve its holdings and expand public access to them, as well as how technology is helping to uncover new information about some of the items in its collections.
This is a well done video!
A search on “genealogy” in the archives yielded references to the following:
· Regulation of Genetic Testing & Genetic Testing and Privacy
· Life of William Grimes, the Runaway Slave
· Chinese America: The Untold Story
Library of Congress Video on NGS website
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Treasure Chest Thursday
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wedding Wednesday - and a new generation begins life
A very traditonal wedding: Jason Gardner Aberle marries Krisi Campbell June 5, 2011 in a small chapel in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada California.
.......and a new generation begins and this is what life is all about ..... finding that right person to share your life with. Life is Good.
Jason is the son of Sandra Gardner Benward of Citrus Heights, California. Krisi is the daughter of Allen and Margaret Campbell of Lincoln, California. The new couple are making their new home in Lincoln, California. Both work for the Thunder Valley Casino in Lincoln, California.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Wedding Wednesday
South Lake Tahoe
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
FGS Tuesday - FamilySearch Reception
From Springfield, Illinois - Tuesday, 6 Sep 2011
We arrived here this afternoon via St. Louis via DFW, temps milder than expected - 70's (sorry hot Sacramento).
Right next door to the hotel (with underground access also) is the Prairie City Convention Center where we picked up our registration materials. Said hello to Cath Madden Trindle who was staffing the Customer Service booth. Cath is a speaker this year at Family History Day at the California State Archives on October 15th and a speaker here at FGS as well.
Following a yummy dinner a block away where George Morgan was sighted, we went to an invitation-only reception for bloggers hosted by FamilySearch. They highlighed several exciting areas including indexing opportunities for genealogical and historical societies and friends of libraries such as the Civil War and the 1940 census projects; "Field Express", an effort to give faster access to records housed in the "vault"; 5 minute Tech Tip series; and Family History Books, an archive of collections from serveral participating repositories at BYU, Allen County Public Library and Mid-Continent Public Library Genealogy Center, to name a few.
Other sightings of the evening included Kathryn Doyle (California Genealogical Society); Randy Seaver (Genea-Musings); and Thomas MacEntee (GeneaBloggers).
Here's a "movie" of the evening - click on arrow to start (caution, amateur movie maker). To view in full screen, click on lower right corner of movie box below:
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
We arrived here this afternoon via St. Louis via DFW, temps milder than expected - 70's (sorry hot Sacramento).
Right next door to the hotel (with underground access also) is the Prairie City Convention Center where we picked up our registration materials. Said hello to Cath Madden Trindle who was staffing the Customer Service booth. Cath is a speaker this year at Family History Day at the California State Archives on October 15th and a speaker here at FGS as well.
Following a yummy dinner a block away where George Morgan was sighted, we went to an invitation-only reception for bloggers hosted by FamilySearch. They highlighed several exciting areas including indexing opportunities for genealogical and historical societies and friends of libraries such as the Civil War and the 1940 census projects; "Field Express", an effort to give faster access to records housed in the "vault"; 5 minute Tech Tip series; and Family History Books, an archive of collections from serveral participating repositories at BYU, Allen County Public Library and Mid-Continent Public Library Genealogy Center, to name a few.
Other sightings of the evening included Kathryn Doyle (California Genealogical Society); Randy Seaver (Genea-Musings); and Thomas MacEntee (GeneaBloggers).
Here's a "movie" of the evening - click on arrow to start (caution, amateur movie maker). To view in full screen, click on lower right corner of movie box below:
Tuesday Tips: Family History Centers - Online Ordering of Microfilm starts NOW
On FamilySearch.org you will find a complete section devoted to "Online ordering and payment of microfilm and microfiche" A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Online Ordering Training Materials
The Family History Center in Sacramento is willing to give a presentation to any group about the Online Ordering Process. Ask for Ed and Linda Lucky
Phone: (916) 487-2090
Monday 10am—4:00pm
Tuesday 10am—9:00pm
Wednesday 10am—6:30pm
Thursday 10am—9:00pm
Friday 10am—4:00pm
The Center is closed :
· Memorial Day
· Independence Day
· Labor Day
· Thanksgiving Week
· Two week-Christmas/New Years Holiday
Questions or Comments?
E-mail us at SacRegFHC@gmail.com
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Tuesday Tips
From our local Family History Center, Sacramento California - Ed Lucky
"Like all new endeavors, the move to Online Film Ordering has not been without it's bumps. (Personally, we are always a bit skeptical of the promises made when they seem too good to be true.) However, with a couple of major issues yet to be overcome, it has been a normal transition like anything new. The system is very automated and also very slow. That may be due to the high volume of users now on it. The other issue is in the patron notification. In a perfect world, the patron would be notified by email when their order ships and when it is received in the Center. Right now that feature is attracting all our resources to get it to work correctly. We believe perfection is possible...it just takes a bit longer than expected. Soon we will look back on this time and give thanks because it works properly every time.Oh the joy of perfection.
To view a demonstration of the ON-LINE FILM ORDERING and print out a handout, click on the following link: Online Ordering Training Materials
The Family History Center in Sacramento is willing to give a presentation to any group about the Online Ordering Process. Ask for Ed and Linda Lucky
Phone: (916) 487-2090
Monday 10am—4:00pm
Tuesday 10am—9:00pm
Wednesday 10am—6:30pm
Thursday 10am—9:00pm
Friday 10am—4:00pm
The Center is closed :
· Memorial Day
· Independence Day
· Labor Day
· Thanksgiving Week
· Two week-Christmas/New Years Holiday
Questions or Comments?
E-mail us at SacRegFHC@gmail.com
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Tuesday Tips
Tombstone Tuesday
Inscription reads:
Edwin W. Towle, Born in Corinth, Orange Co., Vermont, Jan. 15, 1839, Died June 25, 1887, Aged 48 Years.
Gravestone is located in Dutch Flat, California
Submitted by Judy Willey
Posted by Ron Setzer
Monday, September 5, 2011
Mystery Monday - Sharpen those Sleuthing skills - Your help is needed NOW
"Seeking birth records pertaining to births that occurred at "Fairhaven Home for Unwed Mothers (Circa 1929) - Sacramento CA" If you know where these records might be held please let us know."
We have checked at the Center for Sacramento History with no luck. We are working on a case where family medical records are needed for a patient with a rare Cancer. Doctors need family records. The mother was born at this facility and no record of the father can be found.
So if you have any information or suggestions please send your information to rootcellarsgs@gmail.com .....
Thank you in advance............
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for a friend for Mystery Monday
Center for Sacramento History; Fairhaven Home for Unwed Mothers; Sacramento German Genealogical Society
Military Monday - New Project released from FamilySearch.org
FamilySearch has released the next in a great lineup of California Projects, The US, California, Sawtelle—National Homes for Disabled Soldiers, 1866–1938. These records give military history (unit(s), enlistment date, discharge date); personal history (birth date and place, description, occupation, religion, residence after discharge from home); history while in the home including reason for discharge; and general information which can include pension number and more.
The Sawtelle Veterans Home was a care home for disabled American veterans in what is today part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area . The Home, formally the Pacific Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, was established in 1887 on part of Rancho San Vicente y Santa Monica lands donated by Senator John P. Jones and Arcadia B. de Baker. By 1900 with over 1000 residents a new hospital was built. This in turn was replaced in 1927 by the Wadsworth Hospital." (Wikipedia)
If you are interested in helping, go to FamilySearch.org, sign in, install the tool, and begin your indexing. The more the merrier.
This message was sent out by California State Genealogical Alliance to all its member society's. They would like you to send this message to all your members and get more people on board. The more that are indexing, the less any of us have to do and the sooner the project will be complete and ready for everyone to use.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward for Military Monday
disabled soldiers,
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