Are you going to RootsTech Conference? Feb 2-4, 2012 Salt Lake City, Utah.............If you are the Roots Tech APP is out. I have downloaded it on my iPad (and then the iCloud &iTunes downloaded the app on my iPhone too. The app is great, very similiar to the Southern California Jamboree App from last year since it was developed by the same people. If you used the Jamboree App then you know what I mean when I say it is a wonderful resource anytime before, during and after the conference. If you didn't use it TOO BAD! you really missed out. You can get this app at the App Store or iTunes - FREE
Everytime you open the APP it updates which is a good thing. You will always have the latest information about the conference.
On the 'DashBoard' (home page) you will see.........
MY SCHEDULE - your calendar, so valuable - you can add all your sessions, lunches, dinners, library time, and whatever else you are thinking about doing
MAPS - shows the lay out of the exhibit hall and another map of the Salt Palace - good to know the layout before you get there and to help you when you get lost
EVENTS - ALL the sessions are listed, one list for developer and one list for use (that would be me) you can browse through each day and actually fill up MY SCHEDULE (your calendat) of course you can always change your mind and with a click you delete off one session and add a new one.
SPEAKERS - gives you a short speakers bio, the sessions they are presenting, day & time, alittle about the session (these are even interactive and give you full details about the session and allows you to assign the session to your calendar) there is a notes section for that presentation, you are able to evaluate and rate the session and send it in right after the sesssion ends (this is good because alot of time we don't take time to do this and then we just forget) -- wow, what alot of detail. CONFERENCE DOCUMENTS these are PDF's of the exhibitors, keynotes 1 & 2, week-at-a-glance, demo theater schedule and unconferening. You can email these documents or download them right onto your iPad/iPhone. I am very curious about the 'unconferencing'...... it is not what I thought. It says "it is an opportunity for RootsTech attendees to create impromptu discussion sessions to topics of their choice. It is a casual forum for attendees to collabotate, discuss new ideas, come in contact with others who have common interests, and participate in the innovative thought process." hummm!! this could be excellent if there is enough time in the day.
PHOTO GALLERY - just what I thought -photos. And there are already 7 photos and yes you can take a picture right from that screen and it will be in this gallery for allllllllll to see. NICE!!
VIDEOS - there are quite afew videos in this section....... don't see a spot where I can make a video and add it to the collection but that is ok. Examples: Pearl Harbor; FamilySearch Indexing; Using Name Variations to Fnd a Record; 5 Minute Genealgoy 1950; RootsTech Genealogy Conference 2012; and so much more.
TWITTER - see what people are saying about the conference - need a wifi connection
FRIENDS - ?? looks like you need a Profile and then you can keep up with friends.
NEWS - Tech Tips..... lots of information but you need wifi connection
ABOUT RootsTech 2012 -
What a wonderful resource to keep in touch and make your time at the conference more efficient.
Look for more posts next week from the RootsTech Conference in Salt Lake City from the Radisson Hotel and the Salt Palace.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
RootsTech Conference APP is available - Tech Tuesday
Monday, January 30, 2012
Families App - Monday Mobile
I am so excited because I have found a way to use my NEW iPad and my Legacy Family Tree Software which is PC based together. They say it couldn't be done. I wanted the iPad for many reasons but one was to have my family tree available to me any time........ and I love Legacy Family Tree and didn't want to have to change to another genealogy software. AND I HAVE IT ALL NOW. Yes the little app called "families" sync's with my iPad/iPhone, my computer and my Legacy database. Oh my goodness, I now have Families on my iPhone and my iPad....... I can edit and add informaiton -- it contains all my family informaiton at my fingertips.
Originally I was looking ahead and wondering how I would handle my family database at RootsTech Conference next week. But while looking through all the upcoming webinars on the Legarcy Family Tree website I came across the webinar about "Genealogy on the Go"...... stopped to read the information and just got so excited. Can this be true? Will this solve my problem? Can this really be true? I am here to tell you it is true. I signed up for the webinar but I didn't want to wait till April so I downloaded the Families app and followed the directions.
I tested it out this past Wednesday when 40plus researchers took a bus ride to Sutro Library in San Francisco. I had both my iPad and iPhone with me armed and ready. IT WORKS!! I can be in the depths of the library looking over some microfilm/fische or documents and not have to go back to my chair and get my computer up and running, start my Legacy program and find the detail informaiton I needed and then go back to the other room and resume again. It was right there at my fingertips...... I can hardly believe it, I am so excited about this for me and I could not wait to share it with you. Now I am really ready for RootsTech, FGS, NGS and other conferences plus just everyday time at the local archives.
Here is the information about the webinar if you are interested. I would send a message to Malcolm Green but there was no email for him yet..... so maybe I'll send something to Geoff Rasmussen.
$14.99 at the APP Store (and well worth the cost)
Legacy Family Tree You can read about this post on Lagacy blog thru Geoff Rasmussen
April 11 Wednesday - 11am Pacific presented by Malcolm Green
Genealogy on the Go - the Families app for your Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Got an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or an Android device? With the "Families" application you can easily transfer your Legacy Family Tree files and pictures from your computer to your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android device, enabling them to be viewed and edited wherever you are. Any changes you make on these devices can then be synced back to your Legacy family file. Join the developer of Families, Malcolm Green, for a demonstration of how it all works and what it looks like.
Originally I was looking ahead and wondering how I would handle my family database at RootsTech Conference next week. But while looking through all the upcoming webinars on the Legarcy Family Tree website I came across the webinar about "Genealogy on the Go"...... stopped to read the information and just got so excited. Can this be true? Will this solve my problem? Can this really be true? I am here to tell you it is true. I signed up for the webinar but I didn't want to wait till April so I downloaded the Families app and followed the directions.
I tested it out this past Wednesday when 40plus researchers took a bus ride to Sutro Library in San Francisco. I had both my iPad and iPhone with me armed and ready. IT WORKS!! I can be in the depths of the library looking over some microfilm/fische or documents and not have to go back to my chair and get my computer up and running, start my Legacy program and find the detail informaiton I needed and then go back to the other room and resume again. It was right there at my fingertips...... I can hardly believe it, I am so excited about this for me and I could not wait to share it with you. Now I am really ready for RootsTech, FGS, NGS and other conferences plus just everyday time at the local archives.
Here is the information about the webinar if you are interested. I would send a message to Malcolm Green but there was no email for him yet..... so maybe I'll send something to Geoff Rasmussen.
$14.99 at the APP Store (and well worth the cost)
Legacy Family Tree You can read about this post on Lagacy blog thru Geoff Rasmussen
April 11 Wednesday - 11am Pacific presented by Malcolm Green
Genealogy on the Go - the Families app for your Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Got an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or an Android device? With the "Families" application you can easily transfer your Legacy Family Tree files and pictures from your computer to your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android device, enabling them to be viewed and edited wherever you are. Any changes you make on these devices can then be synced back to your Legacy family file. Join the developer of Families, Malcolm Green, for a demonstration of how it all works and what it looks like.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Cortland Babies Swap -- Black Sheep Sunday
.........from the pages of Cortland, Cortland Co., New York Newspaper "Post Standard" Aug 7, 1909
Mother Finds Little Trader Caring Well for His Adopted Sister..... special to the Post Standard /1909
Cortland, Aug 7, An amusing story of a 'swap' between juveniles of a neighboring village is told here. Two brothers, 4 & 6 years of age, traded their baby sister to another 6 year old boy for the latter's yellow cat.
The deal had been discussed for several weeks between the three lads. Yesterday the brothers were detailed to entertain the baby sister by wheeling her in the baby carriage. The time for perfecting the negotiations seemed ripe, and the baby and carriage were left with the former owner of the cat. The two marched home in triumph with their new yellow acquistion.
A hurry trip on the part of the mother of the baby was made to the other end of the village, where the little boy 'owner' was found giving the adopted baby sister the best of care. The foster brother argued that the birthday of the baby and his own were identical and that establised his right of ownership.
Corrections and to clarify-----
neighboring village is Dryden, Tompkins, New York...........
Posting and laughing all the way through at my first cousin twice removed Mabel Bristol Little and her only daughter at that time, and her two sons. Percy Hiles was not related. ---- Sandra Gardner Benward
Mother Finds Little Trader Caring Well for His Adopted Sister..... special to the Post Standard /1909
Cortland, Aug 7, An amusing story of a 'swap' between juveniles of a neighboring village is told here. Two brothers, 4 & 6 years of age, traded their baby sister to another 6 year old boy for the latter's yellow cat.
The deal had been discussed for several weeks between the three lads. Yesterday the brothers were detailed to entertain the baby sister by wheeling her in the baby carriage. The time for perfecting the negotiations seemed ripe, and the baby and carriage were left with the former owner of the cat. The two marched home in triumph with their new yellow acquistion.
A hurry trip on the part of the mother of the baby was made to the other end of the village, where the little boy 'owner' was found giving the adopted baby sister the best of care. The foster brother argued that the birthday of the baby and his own were identical and that establised his right of ownership.
Corrections and to clarify-----
neighboring village is Dryden, Tompkins, New York...........
Posting and laughing all the way through at my first cousin twice removed Mabel Bristol Little and her only daughter at that time, and her two sons. Percy Hiles was not related. ---- Sandra Gardner Benward
Friday, January 27, 2012
Follow Friday - NARA San Bruno Workshops
I've posted before about the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) Pacific Region office in San Bruno. Only a hundred miles or so from downtown Sacramento. Their 2012 workshop schedule is now available and looks pretty good. Field trip?
National Archives and Records Administration
July 20 Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
National Archives and Records Administration
Census Records Research
April 13, Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 1:00P.M.
Rose Mary Kennedy, Genealogy Specialist
Passenger Arrival and Naturalization Records
May 11, Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Rose Mary Kennedy, Genealogy Specialist
Military – Part I: Revolutionary War to Civil War
June 8, Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 1:00P.M.
Rose Mary Kennedy, Genealogy Specialist
Military - Part II: Spanish American to Viet Nam
Rose Mary Kennedy, Genealogist Specialist
Federal Land Records
August 17, Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Rose Mary Kennedy, Genealogist Specialist
Freedmen Bureau Records
August 31, Friday, 9:00A.M. to 12 Noon
Deborah Osterberg, Indian Specialist
Preserving Your History
September 14, Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 1:00P.M.
Rose Mary Kennedy, Genealogist Specialist
All workshops will be held at the National Archives and Records Administration - Pacific Region (San Bruno ) 1000 Commodore Drive, San Bruno , CA 94066
To register and reserve a space contact: Rose Mary Kennedy 650-238-3488.
Fees are $15 payable in advance.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Those Places Thursday - San Francisco History Expo
I learned about this event from Jeremy Frankel, Presidernt of the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society. It reminds me of the Sacramento Archives Crawl held the first Saturday every October. Both events bring a variety of historical organizations together to showcase their holdings and services for the public. Take a look at the list of organizations exhibiting at the expo - think of the family history resources they may have for those of us with San Francisco area ancestors.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
The San Francisco Museum and Historical Society will present the Second Annual San Francisco History Expo at the Old Mint on Saturday and Sunday, March 3 and 4. The Expo will run from 11 AM to 4 PM each day, and admission is free (donations are welcome).
Once again, dozens of neighborhood-based and other historical associations representing the diversity of our city will present mini-museums displaying their artifacts and sharing information about their organizations. In addition to these mini-museums, there will be an exhibit entitled “Elegant Pit Stops,” images of historic garages from around the city. And, historic artist Alan Zimmerman will display his large-scale oil-on-wood paintings of Gold Rush San Francisco.
Historic figures will mingle with the crowd. There will be historic films presented on the vault level and several special presentations during the weekend. You can find the latest information on the Expo at
This is a preliminary listing of organizations that have agreed to participate in the 2012 San Francisco History Expo: •Market Street Railway •California Historical Society •San Francisco History Association •Chinese Historical Society •Greek Historical Society of the San Francisco Bay Area •Henry W. Coil Library & Museum of Freemasonry •Presidio Historical Association •Society of California Pioneers •Bernal History Project •Visitacion Valley History Project •Presidio Trust History Association •Treasure Island History Association •Telegraph Hill Dwellers •San Francisco Media Archives •Potrero Hill Archives Project •Labor Archives and Research Center/San Francisco State University •San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society •Rick Prelinger Library and Archives.Those Places Thursday is one of many blog themes suggested on Geneabloggers. What places are our ancestors from? Tell me at
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wordless Wednesday - Society Publications
Wordless Wednesday is one of many blog prompts suggested on Geneabloggers. Share your document or photo that speaks for itself with thousands of blog readers; send to
-----posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Tuesday's Tips - Things To Do
RESEARCH TRIP - Our neighbors to the west at the California Genealogical Society (CGS) in Oakland are sponsoring a research trip to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City from April 22 – 29, 2012. A peek under the curtain showed that details are being finalized. This sounds like a great opportunity! Watch for information about this trip to be published soon on the CGS website!
![]() |
SCGS Jamboree Logo |
The center of the genealogical world will move to Burbank in June as the Southern California Genealogical Society opens the doors to the 43rd Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree. The popular conference will be held at the home of Jamboree, Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel, 2500 Hollywood Way, Burbank, California, from Friday through Sunday, June 8 through the 10th. Pre-events Family History Writers Conference and Tech-Trax will be held on Thursday, June 7.
We expect to welcome about 1700 attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and volunteers to the Marriott. Our attendance makes Jamboree one of the most popular genealogical events in the United States. Go to the Jamboree website to get the details on registration (both online and by mail), speakers, schedule, hotel reservations, maps and directions, local resources and sights, and those all-important FAQs. If you don't find what you're looking for, drop us a note at and just ask. We want you to have the best experience possible. [Denise's Tip: make hotel reservations as early as possible as the host hotel fills up fast and go early to attend the family history writier's conference.]
WRITING CONTEST - Right here in River City, the details about the 2nd Annual Family History Writing Contest sponsored by Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society will be announced soon. Polish your stories or start writing so you'll be ready to enter the contest. What will the stories be about this year? What will be the prizes? Watch this blog for the "big reveal".
Tuesdays's Tip is one of many blog themes suggested on Geneabloggers. Share your genealogically-related tip with others. Send it to
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Monday, January 23, 2012
Amanuensis Monday - 1914 Letter from Thomas Brown
I am very fortunate that my grandmother, Ethel May Kendall Hibsch (1899-1988), kept nearly every piece of paper that mentioned a family member. My fortune continued as her son, my uncle, also kept her treasure trove lo these many years. On my recent visit to his house, he brought out a small box filled with family memorabilia for me to peruse. After I stopped drooling, I whipped out my Magic Wand and began scanning. The letter below was from Thomas Brown (1843-1927) to his daughter, Ida May Brown Kendall (1868-1955), Ethel's mother. This is my literal transcription.
Thomas Brown Letter 1914 pg 1 |
Aug the 16th 1914
Morrow Warren Co O
Dear children one and all I wil try to drope you a line Wea are all Wel as couson[?] at this time myrtie is not Very Wel at this time I hope this Wil find you all Wel and hardy Wea received yor letter and picturs and I think thay are fine Wea are very proud of them I am proud to have sutch good looking grand children I think Ethel has growd so mutch Wea was Very glad to hear from you all and to hear that you Was all Wel glad to hear from dock poor old mann him and mea are all thar is left of our associate all dead and Wea are still hear I am in my 72ond year But Wea Will soon anser to the last rool call But tell to keep in in good cheer don’t grow Weary he ? to sing that
Thomas Brown Letter 1914 pg 2 |
yor father Thomas Brown
[The following was written at the top of page 1 above the date.]
Wel Ida your pa has told you all news i send you our pictures i am sorry cant send to all of children meby can get som taking for all some day Ethel you and Joe picture ar all right Eva an Joe McMullen Will send thire pictures to you this is all Rebecca Brown
Thomas Brown 1914 Envelope |
After 30 days return to
Thomas Brown
R.R. No. 3
[Postmarked Morrow Ohio Aug 17 1914 3pm
Postage 2 cents, stamp is profile of George Washington]
Addressed to
Mrs Ida May Kendall
To Irwindale
Losangeles county
An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. This is one of several blog themes suggested on GeneaBloggers. Root Cellar members, showcase your transcriptions of family letters here. Send to
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Reminder - Win Free Admission to Spring Seminar
Originally posted on 17 Nov 2011
Wanted ! New members!
Wanted ! New members!
Current members of
Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society
are invited to participate in the
New Member Incentive Program.
November 1, 2011 to March 1, 2012
All you need to do is sponsor three (3) new members between November 1, 2011 and March 1, 2012 to receive one FREE admission to the Spring Seminar on March 31, 2012 with guest speaker George G. Morgan.
A new member is defined as someone who has not been a Root Cellar member for the previous two (2) years.
Important! Make sure that you or the people you recruit write on the membership application "sponsored by [your first and last name]".
Good Luck!
Email any questions to
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Saturday, January 21, 2012
You're Invited! Books--Online and Old in Roseville
All are invited to hear Jim Rader speak at the next Roseville Genealogical Society meeting:
When: Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Where: Maidu Senior Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville, California
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Program: Old Genealogy Books Online
About the Speaker
Jim Rader has been teaching computerized genealogy to senior citizens and other interested students for the past ten years as a California Credentialed Adult Education Teacher. He has been a guest lecturer for genealogy groups for the past 20 years, with an extensive range of topics. Mr. Rader has researched extensively his own surname and has guided others in doing the same. He started the quarterly "RaderRamblings" which he published for ten years. During that time he also published The Second Attempt to collect ALL of the Rader, Reader, Roder, Reeder, Rotter families in Anerica 1995. Since then he has published many books, including John Henry Rotter 1732-1812, His Children and Grandchildren (2006), and Henry Rader, Died In the Civil War (2010).
Jim conducts the One Name study for the Rader surname at the Guild of One name Studies, where he completed the training in Advanced One-Name Studies Jim is also the coordinator for the Rader surname study at Family Tree DNA. Jim Rader's two websites are and ttp://, which are his tools for sharing genealogy information worldwide. He is retired after working for 48 years as a civil engineer, mainframe computer, programmer, financial manger, and adult education teacher.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
When: Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Where: Maidu Senior Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville, California
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Program: Old Genealogy Books Online
About the Speaker
Jim Rader has been teaching computerized genealogy to senior citizens and other interested students for the past ten years as a California Credentialed Adult Education Teacher. He has been a guest lecturer for genealogy groups for the past 20 years, with an extensive range of topics. Mr. Rader has researched extensively his own surname and has guided others in doing the same. He started the quarterly "RaderRamblings" which he published for ten years. During that time he also published The Second Attempt to collect ALL of the Rader, Reader, Roder, Reeder, Rotter families in Anerica 1995. Since then he has published many books, including John Henry Rotter 1732-1812, His Children and Grandchildren (2006), and Henry Rader, Died In the Civil War (2010).
Jim conducts the One Name study for the Rader surname at the Guild of One name Studies, where he completed the training in Advanced One-Name Studies Jim is also the coordinator for the Rader surname study at Family Tree DNA. Jim Rader's two websites are and ttp://, which are his tools for sharing genealogy information worldwide. He is retired after working for 48 years as a civil engineer, mainframe computer, programmer, financial manger, and adult education teacher.
posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
Genealogical Society,
Membership Meeting
1550 Maidu Dr, Roseville, CA 95661, USA
Friday, January 20, 2012
Follow Friday – Geneawebinars
If you love to learn more about genealogy and you are interested in the free webinars on the Internet, you have got to follow the webinars offered by Legacy family tree. Here is a list of upcoming webinars that might be of interest to you. Click on the link at the bottom of the blog to go to the GeneaWebinars' site. Consider signing up for their blog so you will not miss any of Legacy offered webinars. Or sign up for the GeneaWebinars blog.
Register for our upcoming webinars (free)
Posted by Ron Setzer
Register for our upcoming webinars (free)
- Genealogy Idol Competition with Geoff Rasmussen, February 2.
- Ten Brick Wall Tips for Beginners with Marian Pierre-Louis, February 15.
- Organizing and Sharing Digital Images with Geoff Rasmussen, February 29.
- Are You Ready for the 1940 U.S. Census Images with Thomas MacEntee, March 7.
- DNA Research for Genealogists: Beyond the Basics with Ugo Perego. March 21.
- Obituaries: Clues to Look For. Tips for making sure you get the full benefit from an obituary notice with Tom Kemp, March 28.
- Digital Writing Tools for Genealogists with Lisa Alzo, March 30.
- Genealogy on the Go - the Families app for your Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad with Malcolm Green, April 11.
- Researching Your Scottish Ancestors with Marie Dougan, April 18.
- Reverse Genealogy: Finding the Living with Megan Smolenyak, April 25.
- Researching Your Pennsylvania Ancestors with Lisa Alzo, May 2.
- Researching Your New York Ancestors with Thomas MacEntee, May 30.
- Putting Flesh on the Bones with Ron Arons, June 13.
- Marriages and Anniversaries. Mining newspapers for engagements, marriages, anniversaries, and divorce records with Tom Kemp, June 20.
- Digital Images for Genealogists and Technologists: scanning, digitizing, editing, and preserving your photos with Geoff Rasmussen. June 27.
- The Quest for your English Ancestors with Claire V. Brisson-Banks. July 11.
- Wikis for Genealogists with Thomas MacEntee. August 8.
- Beyond the Arrival Date: Extracting More from Passenger Lists with Lisa Alzo. September 5.
- What is a 'Reasonably Exhaustive Search'? with Michael Hait. September 12.
- Privacy and our Ancestors with Thomas MacEntee. October 3.
- Your Civil War Ancestors: Beginning Your Research with Michael Hait. October 24.
- Genealogy for Novices: Where Do We Begin with Linda Geiger. November 14.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Thursday, January 19, 2012
SGGS Meeting: Tuesday January 24 – Getting Ready for the 1940 Census
Steve Morse will be speaking at the Sacramento German Genealogy Society meeting on January 24. His topic is “Getting Ready for the 1940 Census.” Although this census will be released on April 2, 2012, it will not have a name index, and probably won't have a complete one for at least six months. Therefore the only way to access the census is by Enumeration District (ED), and therefore researchers will have to determine the EDs for their respective locations. That's where the “One Step” ED tools that Steve Morse has developed will come to the rescue. At this meeting, Morse will instruct us on how to get a head start on finding the link to the census images for a given ED, even though the links will not be operational until April 2.
Meeting time & location: Tuesday, January 24, beginning at 1 p.m. at St. Marks Methodist Church on Lusk Drive at St. Marks Way, east of the Country Club Plaza Shopping Center (2391 Saint Marks Way, Sacramento). Meetings are held in MacMurdo Hall, on the basement level. An elevator is available. Guests are welcome.
We advise attendees to arrive early, perhaps at 12:30 or even a little earlier, in order to have opportunities 1) to look over the books for sale, 2) to discuss a problem with a “Quick Questions” expert, or 3) to become acquainted with other services that SGGS offers. Admission is free.
Meeting time & location: Tuesday, January 24, beginning at 1 p.m. at St. Marks Methodist Church on Lusk Drive at St. Marks Way, east of the Country Club Plaza Shopping Center (2391 Saint Marks Way, Sacramento). Meetings are held in MacMurdo Hall, on the basement level. An elevator is available. Guests are welcome.
We advise attendees to arrive early, perhaps at 12:30 or even a little earlier, in order to have opportunities 1) to look over the books for sale, 2) to discuss a problem with a “Quick Questions” expert, or 3) to become acquainted with other services that SGGS offers. Admission is free.
Submitted by Rick Hanson
Posted by Ron Setzer
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Telephone Operators Conference Reno Nevada 1934
Front Row at very right:
Mary Agnes (Beyer) Eaton,
b. 20 January 1911, New Orleans, Louisiana,
d. 17 May 1978, Carmichael, California.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Mary Agnes (Beyer) Eaton,
b. 20 January 1911, New Orleans, Louisiana,
d. 17 May 1978, Carmichael, California.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Tuesday's Tip – Let's Get Organized
If you are like most genealogists (and don't kid yourself), you could always be better organized. You may remember where you put your great grandfather's death certificate, but much more than that?? Root Cellar may have a solution, or at least techniques that may help you. We are inviting you to our workshop Wednesday afternoon. Besides our usual problem-solving discussions, we will be reviewing Mary Hill's FamilyRoots Organizer System. It just may work for you. The workshop is open for visitors. Look forward to seeing you there.
Wednesday, January 18
Root Cellar Workshop, visitors always welcome
Program: Help with brickwalls; helpful research and tech tool tips
Host: John Jay
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Location: Clubhouse at Country Squire Estates, 5720 Oak Hill Drive, Sacramento, CA
Contact: John Jay (916) 331-0963
Program: Help with brickwalls; helpful research and tech tool tips
Host: John Jay
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Location: Clubhouse at Country Squire Estates, 5720 Oak Hill Drive, Sacramento, CA
Contact: John Jay (916) 331-0963
Posted by Ron Setzer
Monday, January 16, 2012
Event of Note – El Dorado Hills Genealogy Society Meeting
On Wednesday, January 18 from 6:15p.m. – 8:00 p.m., the El Dorado Hills Genealogy Society will have their Annual Meeting when members will be electing a new director to the EDHGS Board. It is extremely important that every 2012 member attend for this voting opportunity. This meeting will be held in the community room of the El Dorado Hills Library, 7455 Silva Valley Pkwy.
Following the Annual Meeting, we will welcome the enthusiastic speaker, Pamela Dallas, Remember the Ladies: Finding Your Female Ancestors. Her goal is to help us uncover the clues that will help find the elusive female ancestors! We will explore methods of locating cemeteries, preparing for a research trip, and ways of recording the information we find. We will also learn about burial registers, headstone inscriptions and symbols, plus much more during this fascinating presentation.
Members are especially encouraged to attend our first genealogical meeting of the 2012 new year. Visitors are welcome. If you have any questions, please email, Hope to see you next Wednesday evening.
Following the Annual Meeting, we will welcome the enthusiastic speaker, Pamela Dallas, Remember the Ladies: Finding Your Female Ancestors. Her goal is to help us uncover the clues that will help find the elusive female ancestors! We will explore methods of locating cemeteries, preparing for a research trip, and ways of recording the information we find. We will also learn about burial registers, headstone inscriptions and symbols, plus much more during this fascinating presentation.
Members are especially encouraged to attend our first genealogical meeting of the 2012 new year. Visitors are welcome. If you have any questions, please email, Hope to see you next Wednesday evening.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Another Event of Note – German-American Cultural Center
With this, the seventh-year-in-a-row presentation of the film, “Die Feuerzangenbowle,” at the Sacramento Turn Verein, we have a bit of a mystery on our hands.
Area Sacramentans just keep coming to watch this film (with English subtitles). The film itself was produced 68 years ago! We suppose people keep coming because they like to laugh, or maybe it's because they like the “burnt punch,” that famous German drink called the Feuerzangenbowle? (By the way, the punch isn't burnt; rather it's the Zuckerhut that burns – see below).
The film stars a favorite German actor of the 1940s, Heinz Rühmann, playing the role of a university professor with a doctorate degree. When he and his friends, all in their 60s and 70s, get together to indulge in the body-warming Feuerzangenbowle drink, they get carried away by telling stories of their school years, remembering all the nasty tricks they played on their teachers when they were students.
One of these fellows, Hans Pfeiffer (played by Rühmann), had a private tutor when he was growing up, and so he never attended a real school, and thus he never had the chance to play all those wonderful tricks on his teachers. So he dreams of disguising himself as a student, going back to school, and becoming the boldest of them all when it comes to making trouble for teachers. And that's when the movie's fun begins.
In Germany today, “Die Feuerzangenbowle” is a cult film among university students. Before our movie starts, we'll tell you about the antics that today's students engage in as they watch the film.
About halfway through the film, we'll pause so that you can enjoy both the visual delight and the taste of the glowing and steaming Feuerzangenbowle.
There will be six punch bowls (Feuerzangenbowle) placed around the room. The “punch” is hot mulled wine, above which is supported, by tongs (Zangen), a “Zuckerhut” or “sugar loaf/cone.” Rum is poured over these cones, which are then ignited. The hot sugar then slowly drips into the mulled wine. It's a memorable sight – all six punch-bowls glowing with a blue light!
The punch will be served at half-time. Then we'll return to our seats to watch the remainder of the film.
It will be fun. Join us!
The details:
What: The showing of the film, Der Feuerzangenbowle (with English subtitles)
When: Friday, January 20, 2012, arrival at 7:00 p.m., film starts promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Where: In the Main Hall of the Sacramento Turn Verein, at 3349 J Street
Admission: $15.00, which includes refreshments and the Feuerzangenbowle drink, with seconds if you like. (Other beverages will be available for purchase. No alcoholic drinks will be served to minors. A non-alcoholic drink will be available, however, one that appears similar to the alcoholic one.)
The famous punch: Warmed and spiced red wine, into which sugar drips from a Zuckerhut (sugar loaf) soaked in rum, and set alight – making a beautiful blue-flame light, especially when the lights are turned down. (You'll see!)
Sponsored by: The German-American Cultural Center – Library, of the Sacramento Turn Verein.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Area Sacramentans just keep coming to watch this film (with English subtitles). The film itself was produced 68 years ago! We suppose people keep coming because they like to laugh, or maybe it's because they like the “burnt punch,” that famous German drink called the Feuerzangenbowle? (By the way, the punch isn't burnt; rather it's the Zuckerhut that burns – see below).
The film stars a favorite German actor of the 1940s, Heinz Rühmann, playing the role of a university professor with a doctorate degree. When he and his friends, all in their 60s and 70s, get together to indulge in the body-warming Feuerzangenbowle drink, they get carried away by telling stories of their school years, remembering all the nasty tricks they played on their teachers when they were students.
One of these fellows, Hans Pfeiffer (played by Rühmann), had a private tutor when he was growing up, and so he never attended a real school, and thus he never had the chance to play all those wonderful tricks on his teachers. So he dreams of disguising himself as a student, going back to school, and becoming the boldest of them all when it comes to making trouble for teachers. And that's when the movie's fun begins.
In Germany today, “Die Feuerzangenbowle” is a cult film among university students. Before our movie starts, we'll tell you about the antics that today's students engage in as they watch the film.
About halfway through the film, we'll pause so that you can enjoy both the visual delight and the taste of the glowing and steaming Feuerzangenbowle.
There will be six punch bowls (Feuerzangenbowle) placed around the room. The “punch” is hot mulled wine, above which is supported, by tongs (Zangen), a “Zuckerhut” or “sugar loaf/cone.” Rum is poured over these cones, which are then ignited. The hot sugar then slowly drips into the mulled wine. It's a memorable sight – all six punch-bowls glowing with a blue light!
The punch will be served at half-time. Then we'll return to our seats to watch the remainder of the film.
It will be fun. Join us!
The details:
What: The showing of the film, Der Feuerzangenbowle (with English subtitles)
When: Friday, January 20, 2012, arrival at 7:00 p.m., film starts promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Where: In the Main Hall of the Sacramento Turn Verein, at 3349 J Street
Admission: $15.00, which includes refreshments and the Feuerzangenbowle drink, with seconds if you like. (Other beverages will be available for purchase. No alcoholic drinks will be served to minors. A non-alcoholic drink will be available, however, one that appears similar to the alcoholic one.)
The famous punch: Warmed and spiced red wine, into which sugar drips from a Zuckerhut (sugar loaf) soaked in rum, and set alight – making a beautiful blue-flame light, especially when the lights are turned down. (You'll see!)
Sponsored by: The German-American Cultural Center – Library, of the Sacramento Turn Verein.
Posted by Ron Setzer
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Event of Note: Riverboats of Northern California
Friday, January 13, 2012
Sacramento Central Public Library - Genealogy Classes
We have hit the mother lode for Genealogy Classes ........ A very big kudo's to Beth Daugherty and the rest of the Friends of the Sacramento Central Library who have out done themselves with this schedule through May 2012... get your calendars out and mark down all these dates
And here are the programs that are coming up later in the Spring –
all 1:30-3:00 pm in the West Meeting Room:
· Sunday, May 6: American Migration Trails: Eastern United States, with Melinda Kashuba
Sacramento Central Library, 828 I Street............ In the West Meeting Room on the 1st floor of Central
Library, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
· Sunday,
January 15: Getting Ready for the 1940 Census, with Stephen Morse
· Sunday,
January 22: Naturalization Rules and Records, with Barbara Leak
Then in February we have several programs, including two for
people who are new to genealogy (all except for Introduction to
Online Genealogy are in the West Meeting Room):
· Saturday,
February 4, 1:00 -2:30 pm: Beginning Genealogy, with Karen Burney
· Sunday,
Febuary 12, 2:00 – 3:30 pm: Tracing Your Black Roots, with Lisa Lee
February 18, 10:15 - 11:45 am: Introduction to Online Genealogy (Computer
Class, 3rd floor Technology Lab)
Sunday, February 26, 1:30 – 3:00 pm: Introduction to Genealogy,
with Janice Sellers
- Saturday, April 7, 1:00 - 2:30 pm: Beginning Genealogy, with Karen Burney
· Sunday,
April 29: How Much Proof is Enough?, with Cath Madden Trindle
· Sunday, May 6: American Migration Trails: Eastern United States, with Melinda Kashuba
· Sunday,
May 20:, with Linda Lucky
We also have our ongoing Book a Genealogist service,
with genealogy volunteers available to meet with you individually to help you
with your genealogy research. The free appointments are 45 minutes
in length, and volunteers are here at Central Library on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
We ask that you reserve your appointment time by calling the library
at 916-264-2920, by visiting the library's website at, or by
visiting a library branch in person.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
NEW Online Series "My British Isles Origins: Where and How Do I Cross the Pond"
Arlington, VA ,
9 January 2012: The National Genealogical Society proudly announces a strategic
partnership with Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd of the UK
to present My British Isles Origins: Where
and How Do I Cross the Pond? This four-week online learning course begins 1
March 2012 and is designed to show genealogists with British ancestry how to
“leap the pond” and discover their roots in the British
Isles .
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Spring Seminar Registration Now Open
Be sure to register early as seats fill up fast. Best viewed on the Blog if you received this by email. Windows users, click image to open in new window then right click to Print Picture. Also posted on the website at Tell a friend, bring a friend!
Spring Seminar
Special FGS Discount for RootsTech 2012 Available for Three Days Only! Ends January 13th! Register Now!
If you haven't registered for RootsTech
2012 yet, you will want to do so by
January 13th to take advantage of the special discount price of $149.
The RootsTech
2012 Conference in Salt Lake City,
Utah, February 2-4, is a dynamic, one-of-a-kind event.
It is designed to bring technologists together with genealogists of all skill levels, so they can learn from each other and find solutions to the challenges faced in family history research today; hence the lineup of speakers this year from Google, Instructure,, and FamilySearch!
It is designed to bring technologists together with genealogists of all skill levels, so they can learn from each other and find solutions to the challenges faced in family history research today; hence the lineup of speakers this year from Google, Instructure,, and FamilySearch!
Check out these exciting evening events:
Friday, February 3: Late Night at the Family History Library
Of course, attending RootsTech 2012 is a great excuse to spend some
productive research time at the Family History Library any time you want. The
RootsTech 2012 Conference venue is practically adjacent to the conference venue
in Salt Lake City! Come early, stay late, plan to satisfy your research needs.
Go to RootsTech 2012 to explore the full list of
topics, sessions, speakers, and conference offerings.
Take advantage of the special registration rate now. We look
forward to seeing you at RootsTech!
Miss the Final $149 Discount Rate for RootsTech 2012 in Salt Lake City!
- A new family
history and technology conference
- February 2-4,
- Salt Palace
Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
- The special
discount ends January 13, 2012.
RootsTech is sponsored by
Microsoft, Dell, FamilySearch, Oracle, the National Genealogical Society,
brightsolid,, the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the
New England Historic Genealogical Society,, Brigham Young
University, and the Association of Professional Genealogists.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward
permission from FGS & Roots Tech
NARA Citizen Archivist Dashboard Live!
Informaiton through National Genealogical Society (NGS) & National Archives (NARA)website....
Check out this new interactiveNARA
More ways of helping transcribe more historical documents. Someday they will all be up online or available through one of the many websites, but it won't happen without everyone helps
Is this one of your New Years Resolutions for 2012? Think about it.
Volunteers will be able to tag, transcribe and write historical articles about scanned NARA documents. You will also be able to upload your
photos, enter competitions and much more!
NARA initially will put up about 300 documents for transcription. Those documents will be coded green, yellow and red based on their length and how difficult it is to decipher the handwriting. You select the level that best suits your experience! The transcription page will include a simple interface with the original document on one screen and the transcribed version on another, she said, plus a magnifying glass feature for a closer look at obscured words.
The dashboard also will include a link for volunteers to tag words and images in the Archives' massive collection of scanned images making the documents more easily searchable.
Check out this new interactive
More ways of helping transcribe more historical documents. Someday they will all be up online or available through one of the many websites, but it won't happen without everyone helps
Is this one of your New Years Resolutions for 2012? Think about it.
The dashboard also will include a link for volunteers to tag words and images in the Archives' massive collection of scanned images making the documents more easily searchable.
Check out the main page,National Archives Dashboard,
on the various activity links, and spend some time helping “your” National
Archives make ever more materials available to researchers!
NOTE: Read about an earlier post on Nextgov newspaper about the
impending launch of the Citizen Archivist Dashboard,
Posted by Sandra Gardner Benward
Event of Interest
Saturday, January 28
Family History Center and classrooms at the LDS Church, 1024 Noche Buena (at Plumas), Seaside CA
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Claire V. Brisson-Banks, BS, MLIS AG®, of “Timeless Genealogies,” is keynote speaker and one of over a dozen instructors at the all-day genealogy conference.
$30 includes lunch and a syllabus with early registration by January 15, 2012.
Co-sponsored by the Commodore Sloat Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Information and registration, Serita Sue Woodburn, 831-899-2121 or email
Submitted by Kathleen M. Nevin
Posted by Ron Setzer
Family History Center and classrooms at the LDS Church, 1024 Noche Buena (at Plumas), Seaside CA
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
31st Annual Ancestor Roundup Genealogy Conference
Claire V. Brisson-Banks, BS, MLIS AG®, of “Timeless Genealogies,” is keynote speaker and one of over a dozen instructors at the all-day genealogy conference.
$30 includes lunch and a syllabus with early registration by January 15, 2012.
Co-sponsored by the Commodore Sloat Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Information and registration, Serita Sue Woodburn, 831-899-2121 or email
Submitted by Kathleen M. Nevin
Posted by Ron Setzer
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Searching for Common Surnames
The Sacramento Central Library continues to amaze me with their genealogy programs sponsored by the Friends of the Sacramento Central Library. The quality of the speakers are top notch. Keep your eyes and ears open there are other top programs being planned for the Central Library for January (January 15- Stephen Morse on Getting Ready for 1940 Census & January 22 Barbara Leak on Naturalization Rules and Records)
An example of that was todays presentation by Lisa Louise Cooke "Common Surname Search Strategies." Lisa is a nationally known author (The Genealogist's Google Toolbox- I have it and it is worth the cost plus she has 2 Google Earth CD's) and host of the Genealogy Gems Podcast. (I listen to her podcast all the time - great stuff)
Lisa gave all of us lots of tips and tricks to find our ancestors with common surnames (of course now it is putting it all to use). How to search, what to add, what to take out..... it was all very enlightning. Lots of great questions. Lisa is an excellent speaker, knows her topics, answers questions with ease, and has a great sense of humor. I am glad I was able to make this presentation.
Again special thanks to the Friends of the Sacramento Central Library and Beth Daugherty.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward
An example of that was todays presentation by Lisa Louise Cooke "Common Surname Search Strategies." Lisa is a nationally known author (The Genealogist's Google Toolbox- I have it and it is worth the cost plus she has 2 Google Earth CD's) and host of the Genealogy Gems Podcast. (I listen to her podcast all the time - great stuff)
Lisa gave all of us lots of tips and tricks to find our ancestors with common surnames (of course now it is putting it all to use). How to search, what to add, what to take out..... it was all very enlightning. Lots of great questions. Lisa is an excellent speaker, knows her topics, answers questions with ease, and has a great sense of humor. I am glad I was able to make this presentation.
Again special thanks to the Friends of the Sacramento Central Library and Beth Daugherty.
posted by Sandra Gardner Benward
Want to Learn More About the 1940 US Federal Census?
There is going to be a lot of learning opportunities for all of us with the coming release of the 1940 US Federal Census. It will be released on 2 April 2012.
I see all types of classes, sessions, workshops and webinars dedicated to teaching us about this census and how you can help in the indexing to really make it easier for ALL of us to locate our ancestors. Some of you will be looking for yourself - YIPPEE!!! and some of us will be waiting for the 1950 US Federal Census to find ourselves. OH MY!!
One the first ones for you to take advantage of is a "Webinar" (online class session) sponsored by the Friends of the National Archives, Southeast Region called "Introduction to the 1940 Federal Census"
Monday, January 9, 2012 at 7-8pm EST or 4-5pm PST right in front of your own computer online. (YES!! this is very timely, it is this coming Monday)
Register Here you do need to register, it is free. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to click on when it is time. I would suggest going on 10-15 minutes earlier. The link with your confirmation will take you to the 1940 census webinar. Remember, it will be at 4pm Pacific Time NOT 7pm Eastern Time.
Speaker: Constance Potter, staff archivist and genealogy specialist, will talk about the questions on the 1940 census emphasizing the new questions including the supplemental schedule.
Other places to go for additional information about the coming release of the 1940 Federal Census:
FamilySearch announcement about their partnership with and to get it indexed quickly. Family Search Indexing
Check out the Sacramento Central Library (8th & I Sts) for January 15, 2012. Stephen Morse with Getting Ready for the 1940 Census.
.........and many other places too. Keep your eyes open for other opportunities and share them with us...
Root Cellar SGS (thank you for the email) or leave a comment.
Posted by Sandra Gardner Benward
I see all types of classes, sessions, workshops and webinars dedicated to teaching us about this census and how you can help in the indexing to really make it easier for ALL of us to locate our ancestors. Some of you will be looking for yourself - YIPPEE!!! and some of us will be waiting for the 1950 US Federal Census to find ourselves. OH MY!!
One the first ones for you to take advantage of is a "Webinar" (online class session) sponsored by the Friends of the National Archives, Southeast Region called "Introduction to the 1940 Federal Census"
Monday, January 9, 2012 at 7-8pm EST or 4-5pm PST right in front of your own computer online. (YES!! this is very timely, it is this coming Monday)
Register Here you do need to register, it is free. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to click on when it is time. I would suggest going on 10-15 minutes earlier. The link with your confirmation will take you to the 1940 census webinar. Remember, it will be at 4pm Pacific Time NOT 7pm Eastern Time.
Speaker: Constance Potter, staff archivist and genealogy specialist, will talk about the questions on the 1940 census emphasizing the new questions including the supplemental schedule.
Other places to go for additional information about the coming release of the 1940 Federal Census:
FamilySearch announcement about their partnership with and to get it indexed quickly. Family Search Indexing
Check out the Sacramento Central Library (8th & I Sts) for January 15, 2012. Stephen Morse with Getting Ready for the 1940 Census.
.........and many other places too. Keep your eyes open for other opportunities and share them with us...
Root Cellar SGS (thank you for the email) or leave a comment.
Posted by Sandra Gardner Benward
Society Saturday: Coming Soon - George G. Morgan
The following announcement was posted on 1 Nov 2011. bears repeating and sharing with your family and friends. I recently overheard the members of the Seminar Committee talking about registration information that was days away from being released. Stayed tuned for further updates!
On Saturday, March 31, 2012, Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society will be presenting its 2012 Spring Seminar. It will be held at the Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church, 11427 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks, California, from 9:00 am to 3:45 pm. Space is limited, so watch for the registration information to be released in early 2012 on our website and blog.
Our guest speaker will be George G. Morgan, a popular speaker at international genealogical conferences and an author of nine books including How to Do Everything: Genealogy, which will have a new edition being released shortly. George is also the president of Aha! Seminars, Inc., a training company for libraries and genealogical societies since 1996; the author of numerous on-line articles for websites including, Digital Genealogist and Ancestry Daily News and articles published in many magazines including Everton’s Genealogical Helper, Family Chronicle Magazine, the Federation of Genealogical Societies FORUM and Heritage Quest Magazine; a co-host with Drew Smith on the podcast The Genealogy Guys; and has held many positions in Florida and National Genealogical Societies.
The four topics for the seminar will be:
- Bring Them Back to Life: Developing an Ancestor Profile
- Push and Pull: The Reasons for Migration
- Sidestep Genealogy
- The Genealogist as CSI
Submitted by Diane Maltase, 2012 Seminar Chairperson
Originally posted by Ron Setzer
Re-posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond
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