Root Cellar Ramblings
April 29, 2011 - 2014
and still going strong
We have been a member of GeneaBloggers for three years now. Thank You Thomas. WOW, what a ride! As a genealogy blogger it is extremely beneficial to be picked up by GeneaBlogger. (GeneaBloggers is like an umbrella group where you can find other genealogy blogs, and help and much more- every night it's search engine with its many spidery legs goes out and finds the many genealogy blog posts and brings them back to Pinterest now) I am very thankful. The benefit for Root Cellar SGS has been a wonderful thing. We have been able to have a higher visibility all over the country, share our Society and all its benefits to the outside world, and hear back from each of you through your comments - thanks to GeneaBloggers and Thomas MacEntee its creator.
You may or may not noticed that each days post has a what we in the GeneaBlogger world call a 'daily prompt'\. i.e.: Wordless Wednesday, Sunday's Obituary, Society Saturday etc. Using these daily prompts is what has gotten our posts picked up by GeneaBlogger search engines. The gathered posts can be viewed daily with dozens and dozens of other blog posts on the roll-out from GeneaBloggers. It now has also been put up on Pinterest Boards. Very Effective!! Quite a number of our posts have been captured and are up for viewing on GeneaBloggers and Pinterest.
Root Cellar SGS continues to grow, We continue to learn, We learn from each other and we learn from classes, events and activities in and around the area & far away, We learn from teaching each other, We learn from stepping up out of our comfort level and reaching out for knowledge, We continue to Research far and near, We continue to help new members, New Members continue to have questions, We continue to have lots of answers but not sure they often match the questions.Root Cellar Ramblings Blog, I believe, has come along way in the three years we have been up and running. We have had some wonderful talent throughout those three years...... Denise Richmond, Ron Setzer, and I originally formed the Tech Committee. We turned our attention to creating our Website [EasyNetSites], Blog [blogspot] and Facebook. We maintained a calendar of time slots so each person would have their time and then have some down time. This was a huge undertaking and of course we enlisted other volunteers to help with different tasks. Each person has added their own special twist to their blog posts and we appreciate all the long hours creating just one post no less a whole string of them.
Denise has remained a member but has moved to Southern California and she is busy with a new life. Rick Hanson joined Ron and I. Ron has had some surgeries and has stepped down from a lot of his tasks, especially the blog. (He is doing fine but it is just a long recovery) Thank You for all your efforts, sharing your expertise and long hours to get this up and running and running well.
Enjoy our Second Blogiversary & First Blogiversary blog posts.
Let's offer a toast to a FOURTH successful year on GeneaBloggers! Thanks for bringing us all together.
Give a loud and sincere round of applause to Thomas MacEntee, creator of GeneaBloggers, for his service to the blogging community and genealogical societies. Thank You!
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Happy Blogiversary Root Cellar! You look mah-velous!
ReplyDeleteThanks Denise ..... you helped make it all possible. There is a lot of celebration, excitement & belief in the future for the Ramblings. I hope you enjoy the next year.