It's not too early to plan for May 2012. Make your hotel reservations now if you have the slightest thought about attending the NGS Conference in Cincninati, Ohio. The NGS blog already has helpful information about the venue, hotels, attractions and research opportunities in the region. I mapped the three counties where my ancestors lived in Ohio - 60 miles from the conference site! Looks like a pre- or post-conference side trip will be involved for me! Did you know that Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society is a member of NGS? Will I see you there? I wonder where WKRP is...but I digress
The following press release was received on November 20, 2011:
NGS Conference 2012 Logo
(Arlington, VA) -- The National Genealogical Society has released the full 2012 Family History Conference Program. It is available online and is fully searchable here. The theme of the thirty-fourth NGS Family History Conference is The Ohio River: Gateway to the Western Frontier and it will be held 9–12 May 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio. NGS varies the theme and geographic location of its conference annually and brings together thousands of genealogists and family historians to learn the latest in genealogical research. The online searchable program allows prospective conference attendees to review the full scope of more than forty lecture topics offered daily during the four-day conference in Cincinnati. An exhibit area with over one hundred exhibitors will be open and free to the public Wednesday through Saturday and will include the latest in genealogical software, online research providers, and DNA testing sources.
Registration will begin Thursday, 1 December 2011. To register online, visit the conference page on the NGS website. The PDF version of the registration brochure is available here. The brochure includes information about workshops, lectures, sessions, speakers, luncheons, tours, pre-conference events, registration times and rates, and accessibility as well as general conference and exhibit hall specifics. Some examples of the diverse offerings of the NGS 2012 Family History Conference include methodology and research, ethnic research, repositories and records, migration, Skillbuilding, GenTech, military records, photos, and writing. E-mail Veronica Tran to request that a registration brochure be mailed to you.
Founded in 1903, the National Genealogical Society is dedicated to genealogy education, high research standards, and the preservation of genealogical records. The Arlington, VA-based nonprofit is the premier national society for everyone, from the beginner to the most advanced family historian, seeking excellence in publications, educational offerings, research guidance, and opportunities to interact with other genealogists. Please visit the NGS Pressroom for further information.
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