If you're a regular at any of these meetings, you already understand the necessity for the moves. The community room at the grocery store where the board meetings were held was free but at the discretion of the manager so bumping was always a concern. The historic schoolhouse where the general membership meetings were held had a nominal rental fee but it lacked adequate space, handicapped accessibility features, a paved and lighted parking lot, and reliable heating and air conditioning. The former workshop location was free but adequate parking became an issue.
Scheduling issues at the new locations precluded Root Cellar from having only one location and the same day for all meetings. However, the sites had nearly all items on our must-have list and the Board didn't want to pass up these opportunities. Change isn't easy but hopefully members will be just as impressed with the new locations and adapt to the new schedule.
Not surprisingly, the new locations mean increased rental fees for Root Cellar. The Board continues to be vigilant with the Society budget, making ongoing adjustments for such increases while being mindful of maintaining reasonable membership fees.
Please read the the following information carefully and make a note on your new 2013 calendar. Don't hesitate to contact Root Cellar at rootcellarsgs@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments. Let us know what you think!
Board of Directors Meetings - new location/day (effective December 2012)
Meets 1st Thursday of the month
10:00a.m. - noon
Sylvan Community Center (across from Old Schoolhouse)
7521 Community Drive at Sylvan Road [Google Map]
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
General Membership Meetings - new location/day (effective January 2013)
Meets 2nd Thursday September - June
7:00p.m. - 8:30p.m.
Christ Community Church
5025 Manzanita Avenue [Google Map]
Carmichael, CA 95608
Workshop - new location only (effective November 2012)
Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month year-round
1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.
Sylvan Community Center (across from Old Schoolhouse)
7521 Community Drive at Sylvan Road [Google Map]
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
posted by Denise H. Richmond
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