Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
What's New?........
What's Happening in February with Root Cellar SGS?
February 5 Thursday (first Thursday) Legacy Family Tree Software SIG
Family History Center
2745 Eastern Ave., Sacramento
Member Supported- Do you use Legacy FamilyTree or thinking about it....... this is the place for you.
February 5 Thursday Monthly Board Meeting
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
Contact: Diane Maltase
Board Meeting is usually the first Thursday of the month
Members are always welcome to attend.
February 6 Friday - (every Friday) Extraction Gathering
9am to Noon
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
This is a very active group that meets almost every Friday. But as busy as we are we can always use another pair of hands. There are so many records/documents to extract/transcribe/index. WE NEED YOUR HELP. Contact Marilyn Ulbricht
February 11 Wednesday (second Wednesday) Roots Magic Family Tree Software
Family History Center
2745 Eastern Ave., Sacramento
Member Supported- Do you use Roots Magic or thinking about it....... this is the place for you.
February 12 Thursday (second Thursday) General Meeting
6:15pm for Roundtable discussion
7pm General Meeting
Christ Community Church
5025 Manzanita Ave., Carmichael
Contact: Diane Maltase
"Show n Tell" Members bring items that are related to an ancestor. Story are told, memories are made. We all learn about the story of that item or ancestor. It is a very good evening.
February 13 Friday [Good Luck Day]- (every Friday) Extraction Gathering
9am to Noon
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
This is a very active group that meets almost every Friday. But as busy as we are we can always use another pair of hands. There are so many records/documents to extract/transcribe/index. WE NEED YOUR HELP. Contact Marilyn Ulbricht
February 18 Wednesday (third Wednesday) Daytime Workshop
1pm - 3pm
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
Contact: Diane Maltase
Benefits of Membership
Here is the place to discuss those brickwalls you may have, to discuss the latest finds. We understand that Happy Dance.
February 19 Thursday (third Thursday) Family Tree Maker Software SIG
11:30am - 1:30pm
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights
Contact: John Jay
Are you are interested in the Family Tree Maker Software or you are using it and want to talk with others that are using it........ this is the place for you.
Sponsored by Root Cellar SGS - We welcome anyone interested.
February 20 Friday - (every Friday) Extraction Gathering
9am to Noon
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
This is a very active group that meets almost every Friday. But as busy as we are we can always use another pair of hands. There are so many records/documents to extract/transcribe/index. WE NEED YOUR HELP. Contact Marilyn Ulbricht
February 25 Wednesday (fourth Wednesday) Reunion for Mac Family Tree Software SIG
10:30am -
Family History Center
2745 Eastern Ave., Sacramento
Member Supported- Do you use Reunion or thinking about it....... this is the place for you.
Contact: Rick Hanson
February 27 Friday - (every Friday) Extraction Gathering
9am to Noon
Center for Sacramento History
551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd, Sacramento
This is a very active group that meets almost every Friday. But as busy as we are we can always use another pair of hands. There are so many records/documents to extract/transcribe/index. WE NEED YOUR HELP. Contact Marilyn Ulbricht
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Society Saturday - What Happening at Root Cellar SGS in February!
Friday, January 30, 2015
Follow Friday - NGS Live Streaming AGAIN!
Editor's note: Today's post is from the NGS Website [Sandra Gardner-Benward]
Can't make it to the NGS 2015 Family History Conference? You can still watch ten lectures from the comfort of your home or office! NGS will stream these lectures live as it happens and you will continue to have access for three months from the end of the conference
Another way to attend classes from your home or where ever you are.........
Register Now deadline 29 April 2015
All events are taking place 14-15 May 2015 in St Charles, Missouri (remember for my west coast friends- this is be at central daylight time) for the NGS 2015 Family History Conference. Times are posted in Central Daylight Time Zone format, please adjust viewing time for your area.
Registration deadline for Live Streaming access is 29 April 2015 at midnight. Instructions on how to access the live streaming will be emailed to all registered attendees by 6 May 2015. All registrants will receive an electronic version of the NGS 2015 Family History Conference Syllabus. Registration is discounted for NGS Members.
Cancellation Policy - all sales are final and cannot be cancelled
Pricing details............
Track One or Track Two - access to stream files through 10 August 2015 Members$65 Non-Members$80
Registration began 1 December 2014
Bundled Package Track One AND Track Two
access to stream files through 10 August 2015 Members $115 Non-Members $145
Registration began 1 December 2014
Track Details
Day One: The Immigration & Naturalization Process
Day One offers information on immigration and naturalization records, uncovering the immigrants story, and useful hints on how to discover their home town.
Thursday, 14 May 2015 The Journey to America: Federal Passenger Ship Records: Becoming as American: Naturalization Records; Discovering the REAL Stories of Your Immigrant Ancestors; Bads, Bergs, Burgs, and Bachs: Finding Locations in Germany; A Methodology for Irish Emigration to North America
Day Two: Methodology Techniques - for use with historical context, forensic genealogy, DNA and problem solving using a combination of resources
Friday, 15 May 2015 The Time of Cholera: A Case Study about Historical Context; The Problem-Solver's Great Trifecta: GPS +FAN+DNA; When Does New Found Evidence Overturn a Proved Conclusion? ; Forensic Genealogy Meets the Genealogical Proof Standards; Using DNA as a Genealogical Record
NOTE: Once registered, you can watch the event live, or if you have other commitments on those dates, you can view the sessions at another time and as many times as you want for the ninety days following the conference (through 10 August 2015)
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Can't make it to the NGS 2015 Family History Conference? You can still watch ten lectures from the comfort of your home or office! NGS will stream these lectures live as it happens and you will continue to have access for three months from the end of the conference
Another way to attend classes from your home or where ever you are.........
Register Now deadline 29 April 2015
All events are taking place 14-15 May 2015 in St Charles, Missouri (remember for my west coast friends- this is be at central daylight time) for the NGS 2015 Family History Conference. Times are posted in Central Daylight Time Zone format, please adjust viewing time for your area.
Registration deadline for Live Streaming access is 29 April 2015 at midnight. Instructions on how to access the live streaming will be emailed to all registered attendees by 6 May 2015. All registrants will receive an electronic version of the NGS 2015 Family History Conference Syllabus. Registration is discounted for NGS Members.
Cancellation Policy - all sales are final and cannot be cancelled
Pricing details............
Track One or Track Two - access to stream files through 10 August 2015 Members$65 Non-Members$80
Registration began 1 December 2014
Bundled Package Track One AND Track Two
access to stream files through 10 August 2015 Members $115 Non-Members $145
Registration began 1 December 2014
Track Details
Day One: The Immigration & Naturalization Process
Day One offers information on immigration and naturalization records, uncovering the immigrants story, and useful hints on how to discover their home town.
Thursday, 14 May 2015 The Journey to America: Federal Passenger Ship Records: Becoming as American: Naturalization Records; Discovering the REAL Stories of Your Immigrant Ancestors; Bads, Bergs, Burgs, and Bachs: Finding Locations in Germany; A Methodology for Irish Emigration to North America
Day Two: Methodology Techniques - for use with historical context, forensic genealogy, DNA and problem solving using a combination of resources
Friday, 15 May 2015 The Time of Cholera: A Case Study about Historical Context; The Problem-Solver's Great Trifecta: GPS +FAN+DNA; When Does New Found Evidence Overturn a Proved Conclusion? ; Forensic Genealogy Meets the Genealogical Proof Standards; Using DNA as a Genealogical Record
NOTE: Once registered, you can watch the event live, or if you have other commitments on those dates, you can view the sessions at another time and as many times as you want for the ninety days following the conference (through 10 August 2015)
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Wordless Wednesday - Who's Who? Surnames Please!
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Name Badge & Swingers - a really great ice breaker anywhere you go for Research, Conferences and Events.
This is Root Cellar SGS's name badge. It is optional but I find it so useful and beneficial. People are always stopping me to ask about it. Some want to take a picture of it to take back to their group and others look over the surnames ....... I have lots of matches with my Smith's, Jones and James...... but not the same family. In anyone is interested in the company we use please feel free to contact me.........
The small round gold 5 year pin is something the Center of Sacramento History gave me this last year for my volunteering for extractions..... since I just have 9 years in mid year 2014 I received the 5 year pin........ next year the 10 year pin.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details
Name Badge & Swingers - a really great ice breaker anywhere you go for Research, Conferences and Events.
This is Root Cellar SGS's name badge. It is optional but I find it so useful and beneficial. People are always stopping me to ask about it. Some want to take a picture of it to take back to their group and others look over the surnames ....... I have lots of matches with my Smith's, Jones and James...... but not the same family. In anyone is interested in the company we use please feel free to contact me.........
The small round gold 5 year pin is something the Center of Sacramento History gave me this last year for my volunteering for extractions..... since I just have 9 years in mid year 2014 I received the 5 year pin........ next year the 10 year pin.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details
Monday, January 26, 2015
Motivation Monday -- FGS/RootsTech Conference

Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-
The 'two in one' FGS/RootsTech Conference is right around the corner. Who's going? Let me know if you will be in Salt Lake City. Love to get together if time permits and discuss what you have been doing at the conference. Love to see you there.
Going to FGS Conference in February?
Time to start getting organized and get that To-do list updated.
Time to start getting organized and get that To-do list updated.
Something that we all need to think about during those l o n g hours at the LIBRARY
food & drink & exercise.
I know you think I'll just wait till the end of the night and then eat. You say to yourself, I won't be coming back till next year I need all the time I can get to research. AND it is all true and that is what I use to say - I have learned when I sit there for hours on end, it is very difficult to get up. It makes me more tired, achy, & sluggish. This ole body is not what it use to be...... I need to get up and move around at least every hour. It only makes sense. I believe it also helps you to stay awake. When you just sit at the table reading and playing with your computer or work those microfilm or fisch machines you get tired and achy - get up and move around. Take a few minutes to use the rest rooms, refresh, get a drink of water. Carry some energy bars, peanut butter crackers, popcorn or other snacks with you - take 10 minutes, go down stairs and eat something.
.....and if all else fails, do some exercises right at your desk..... DESKERCISE 33 suggestions
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Follow Friday: Updating the Two in One Conference All in One Location
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Look who is coming ..... who will be attending for keynote speakers and entertainment for the Conferences. Plus all the classes, workshops offered PLUS the availability of the LIBRARY. How could you go wrong?
The Conference APP is out and available...... I love it. I've made some decisions about what classes, workshops. luncheons, and extra activities plus the LIBRARY research. I put it all in the app and it keeps track of where I should be at any given time. Actually I usually try to pick a class and then a back up in case that room is full or cancelled.
Conference Mobile App This is the APP and below is what you see when you open the app.
As you can see there is a lot to it. You open the Conference Schedule and pick your sessions, plus luncheons, keynote speaker events and extra events. Now when you open the MY SCHEDULE you will only see the items you choose. It is a simple process but very helpful. A very helpful conference tool.This is really worth downloading on your phone plus it is FREE.
I have been trying to decide on classes and it is tough in some cases because you are looking through two complete catalog's for the same space for the 4 days.
MY SCHEDULE - it is written with a good old fashion pencil & a large eraser........
OK here goes- Society Day, Wednesday : Engaging Your Long Distance Membership/ Jen Baldwin; New Kid on the Block: Embarrassing Your Society's New Members/ Josh Taylor; Creating a Dynamic Genealogy Education / Rorey Cathcart; Tips for Robust Society Websites/ Cyndi Ingle; Social Media/ Rorey Cathcast
Thursday- Organization for Genealogists OR Family History On the Go OR Telling Stories: Digital Scrapbooking; Free Online Tools for British Research OR Research Australia Online; Pinning Your Family History; Finding Those Living Cousins
Friday- German Genealogy on the Internet; Jumping the Pond; Fraternal Organizations; Lesser Known Sources.........
Saturday- LAB/ Google Docs; Ancestry Mobile World OR Google Images/Photos; Don't Forget the Dead Ends; LAB/ Evernote
Of course this is not set in stone and won't be because I can always change my mind at any time. Only the two labs are extra and at a fee, so I will be going to those for sure.
So you can see there are so many choices.......... so much available. I have written down classes by some presenters I have never heard before and that to me is a good thing.
AND I have not even mentioned the Exhibit Hall. Usually a very large exhibit hall with so much more going on.........it is like a whole show in itself. .... they will have a Society Showcase display in the exhibit hall -- we have sent in brochures to let people know we are here and to see what we have to contribute. SO when do you fit this into the schedule? It really is worth going to the Exhibit Hall too but WHEN?.
So three things: you need to wear comfy practical shoes, don't forget to eat & drink lots of water; and have lots and lots of patience.
Patience and laughter will be your friend to get your through the week.
I will be posting from the Conference.......... so stay tuned 'Feb 11th will be here before you know it.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
FGS - RootsTech two in one Conference all in ONE place is right around the corner............ if you have not registered yet and are still thinking about it you are lucky.......... the deadline for early bird registration has been extended till Monday January 26, 2015. Take advantage of the lower price. After Monday the registration will start going up and up.
Look who is coming ..... who will be attending for keynote speakers and entertainment for the Conferences. Plus all the classes, workshops offered PLUS the availability of the LIBRARY. How could you go wrong?
The Conference APP is out and available...... I love it. I've made some decisions about what classes, workshops. luncheons, and extra activities plus the LIBRARY research. I put it all in the app and it keeps track of where I should be at any given time. Actually I usually try to pick a class and then a back up in case that room is full or cancelled.
Conference Mobile App This is the APP and below is what you see when you open the app.
As you can see there is a lot to it. You open the Conference Schedule and pick your sessions, plus luncheons, keynote speaker events and extra events. Now when you open the MY SCHEDULE you will only see the items you choose. It is a simple process but very helpful. A very helpful conference tool.This is really worth downloading on your phone plus it is FREE.
MY SCHEDULE - it is written with a good old fashion pencil & a large eraser........
OK here goes- Society Day, Wednesday : Engaging Your Long Distance Membership/ Jen Baldwin; New Kid on the Block: Embarrassing Your Society's New Members/ Josh Taylor; Creating a Dynamic Genealogy Education / Rorey Cathcart; Tips for Robust Society Websites/ Cyndi Ingle; Social Media/ Rorey Cathcast
Thursday- Organization for Genealogists OR Family History On the Go OR Telling Stories: Digital Scrapbooking; Free Online Tools for British Research OR Research Australia Online; Pinning Your Family History; Finding Those Living Cousins
Friday- German Genealogy on the Internet; Jumping the Pond; Fraternal Organizations; Lesser Known Sources.........
Saturday- LAB/ Google Docs; Ancestry Mobile World OR Google Images/Photos; Don't Forget the Dead Ends; LAB/ Evernote
Of course this is not set in stone and won't be because I can always change my mind at any time. Only the two labs are extra and at a fee, so I will be going to those for sure.
So you can see there are so many choices.......... so much available. I have written down classes by some presenters I have never heard before and that to me is a good thing.
AND I have not even mentioned the Exhibit Hall. Usually a very large exhibit hall with so much more going on.........it is like a whole show in itself. .... they will have a Society Showcase display in the exhibit hall -- we have sent in brochures to let people know we are here and to see what we have to contribute. SO when do you fit this into the schedule? It really is worth going to the Exhibit Hall too but WHEN?.
So three things: you need to wear comfy practical shoes, don't forget to eat & drink lots of water; and have lots and lots of patience.
Patience and laughter will be your friend to get your through the week.
I will be posting from the Conference.......... so stay tuned 'Feb 11th will be here before you know it.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Thankful Thursday - 7th Cousins Once Removed Meet
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
It happened! It happened to me. Boy am I in shock and very surprised but it is true. I found a new cousin. So let me go back to the beginning.......
I attend the Southern California JAMBOREE each year in Burbank, California in mid June. I make a point of wearing my Root Cellar SGS t-shirt especially on Society Day but some of the other days too. Along with the t-shirt, I wear my name badge and swingers....... others can see a lot of the surnames I am looking for. The left line of swingers are my fathers line and the right line is my mothers line..... it really is a great ice breaker. I wear it for day conferences, local conferences and conferences across the country. I do have people stopping me to get a better look at the names and the badge itself and to ask where we get them made........ as I say it is a great ice breaker. People take picture of the front and back because they want to take it back to their society and show it in hopes they can get them made.
Anyway, there I am in Burbank at the JAMBOREE just going from class to class when I was stopped by a lady who was so excited when she saw the surname BRISTOL on my swingers. [that would be my mothers mothers side] Her name is Jeane Berry. We talked for a couple of minutes, exchanged info and planned to get together again while at the conference. Several hours later she was calling me to ask which Bristol was mine and she was going through her tree in her hotel room. I was in a class at the time, so I called her back later. We finally got together later that evening.......... with family trees in hand the search was on for the common ancestor........ and finally there it was HENRY BRISTOL in New Haven, Connecticut. This was our common ancestor. Henry had 14 children ........... the 10th child Daniel was Jeane's line and mine was the 13th child Eliphalet. HOW EXCITING!!
Sandra Gardner-Benward & Jeane Berry - new 7th Cousins Once Removed
The kicker is the JAMBOREE is in southern California, in Burbank. I live in Citrus Heights just outside of Sacramento in the northern area of the state and Jeane lives in Lincoln which is just a few miles up the road from my home. But we didn't meet till we left our homes and went to Burbank. I find that very funny.......
Next step will be connecting with DNA tests.................. I have done the family finder and the autosomal and 23andme. Jeane has done the family finder and autosomal.... so we will see what happens there. I do have several matches right now on both Ancestry and FTDNA but can't find the common ancestor yet.
..............so how many more people are living right around me that may be related and we have no awareness of each other.
Boy! you just never know what will happen
when you put yourself out there.
You just never know.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
It happened! It happened to me. Boy am I in shock and very surprised but it is true. I found a new cousin. So let me go back to the beginning.......
I attend the Southern California JAMBOREE each year in Burbank, California in mid June. I make a point of wearing my Root Cellar SGS t-shirt especially on Society Day but some of the other days too. Along with the t-shirt, I wear my name badge and swingers....... others can see a lot of the surnames I am looking for. The left line of swingers are my fathers line and the right line is my mothers line..... it really is a great ice breaker. I wear it for day conferences, local conferences and conferences across the country. I do have people stopping me to get a better look at the names and the badge itself and to ask where we get them made........ as I say it is a great ice breaker. People take picture of the front and back because they want to take it back to their society and show it in hopes they can get them made.
Anyway, there I am in Burbank at the JAMBOREE just going from class to class when I was stopped by a lady who was so excited when she saw the surname BRISTOL on my swingers. [that would be my mothers mothers side] Her name is Jeane Berry. We talked for a couple of minutes, exchanged info and planned to get together again while at the conference. Several hours later she was calling me to ask which Bristol was mine and she was going through her tree in her hotel room. I was in a class at the time, so I called her back later. We finally got together later that evening.......... with family trees in hand the search was on for the common ancestor........ and finally there it was HENRY BRISTOL in New Haven, Connecticut. This was our common ancestor. Henry had 14 children ........... the 10th child Daniel was Jeane's line and mine was the 13th child Eliphalet. HOW EXCITING!!
Sandra Gardner-Benward & Jeane Berry - new 7th Cousins Once Removed
Henry Bristol is OUR 7th Great Grandfather
Jeane and I are 7th cousins once removed
The kicker is the JAMBOREE is in southern California, in Burbank. I live in Citrus Heights just outside of Sacramento in the northern area of the state and Jeane lives in Lincoln which is just a few miles up the road from my home. But we didn't meet till we left our homes and went to Burbank. I find that very funny.......
Next step will be connecting with DNA tests.................. I have done the family finder and the autosomal and 23andme. Jeane has done the family finder and autosomal.... so we will see what happens there. I do have several matches right now on both Ancestry and FTDNA but can't find the common ancestor yet.
..............so how many more people are living right around me that may be related and we have no awareness of each other.
Henry Britstol/ Lydia Brown [7th Great Grandparents]
Henry & Lydia's children (11 total of 14)
first 3 children were from his first marriage_ Rebecca ?
Rebecca (m: Zaccheus Candee)
Lydia (m;: Joseph Smith)
John (m: Mercy Mansfield)
Mary (m: Jobamah Gunn)
Hannah (m: Thomas Hine)
Sarah (m: Stephen Hine)
Abigail (m: Daniel Terrill)
Daniel (m:Hester Sperry)
Eliphalet (m: Esther Peck)
Henry (m: Desire Smith)
Boy! you just never know what will happen
when you put yourself out there.
You just never know.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Society Saturday -- Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness is BACK
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
The website closed in 2011 but it is back......... it is back! I am so excited to see it back and running.
What in the world am I talking about?
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
Go and check it out, lots to read and then sign up to help.......... never know what you will learn from helping someone else. You will find a lot of information for those that are looking for help and for those looking to help. It is a great idea for both sides.
It is an all volunteer global organization........ when you sign up and volunteer you agree to do a free genealogy research task at least once per month in your local area as an act of kindness. There use to be as many as 4000 volunteers ready to help in all parts of the world AND so the organizers are trying to encourage volunteers to come back and new ones to sign up.
Is one of those new volunteers YOU?
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
The website closed in 2011 but it is back......... it is back! I am so excited to see it back and running.
What in the world am I talking about?
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
Go and check it out, lots to read and then sign up to help.......... never know what you will learn from helping someone else. You will find a lot of information for those that are looking for help and for those looking to help. It is a great idea for both sides.
It is an all volunteer global organization........ when you sign up and volunteer you agree to do a free genealogy research task at least once per month in your local area as an act of kindness. There use to be as many as 4000 volunteers ready to help in all parts of the world AND so the organizers are trying to encourage volunteers to come back and new ones to sign up.
Is one of those new volunteers YOU?
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Treasure Chest Thursday --We're Related? Yes, We Are Related.
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward with help from Marilyn Richter-Ulbricht, Charlene Harvey-Eberwine and Toni Couch-Ryan
You always dream about being somewhere and you actually run into a living descendant. Someone you don't know but run into each other and discover just by chance that you are related. It seems a long shot but it does happen. AND it has happened just lately to two of our members of Root Cellar SGS.
Our extraction committee meets every Friday morning at the Center for Sacramento History. We are a pretty close knit group and follow each others adventures,trips and vacations.
During one Friday morning at the Center ....
As we were all gathering on a Friday morning to begin our ritual of extraction members are greeting each other and welcoming others back from breaks or vacations. Linda (Johnson)Wensrich was talking to Charlene Harvey) Eberwine about her Boston trip. We were all very interested in the details of her trip. Charlene mentioned she had ancestors from Newbury, Massachusetts by the surname of COFFIN. Toni and Charlene
As a member of Colonial Dames of the XVII Century, Toni (Couch) Ryan has been immersed in genealogy for the last 4 years or so in order to provide proof that she descends from immigrants to the original colonies ofAmerica . She had spent numerous hours researching her
COFFIN ancestry, so was very familiar with that surname!.
The two Coffin women then “compared notes”, "searched their family trees" and discovered that they share a 9th great-grandfather, Tristram Coffyn [Coffin] (1608-1681). He came to Massachusetts from England in 1642. Toni told some of the interesting history of Tristram and his family with her new-found ninth cousin once removed. The Coffin name is still well known in some areas of Massachusetts. Tristram was one of the original owners of the Island of Nantucket. In 1659 he headed up a consortium of 20 men (including 2 of his sons and a son-in-law and a GREENLEAF ancestor of Charlene’s) who purchased Nantucket for the whopping amount of thirty pounds, two beaver hats, one for the seller himself and one for the seller’s wife! Tristram Coffyn’s ancestry has been traced to Sir Richard Coffyn, Knight, who accompanied William the Conqueror to England in the year 1066. As a result, the manor of Alwington in the County of Devon, England was assigned to Sir Richard. There’s no doubt that Toni and Charlene have a very deep ROOT CELLAR! [sorry chart is not readable in this shot]
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
You always dream about being somewhere and you actually run into a living descendant. Someone you don't know but run into each other and discover just by chance that you are related. It seems a long shot but it does happen. AND it has happened just lately to two of our members of Root Cellar SGS.
Our extraction committee meets every Friday morning at the Center for Sacramento History. We are a pretty close knit group and follow each others adventures,trips and vacations.
As we were all gathering on a Friday morning to begin our ritual of extraction members are greeting each other and welcoming others back from breaks or vacations. Linda (Johnson)Wensrich was talking to Charlene Harvey) Eberwine about her Boston trip. We were all very interested in the details of her trip. Charlene mentioned she had ancestors from Newbury, Massachusetts by the surname of COFFIN. Toni and Charlene
As a member of Colonial Dames of the XVII Century, Toni (Couch) Ryan has been immersed in genealogy for the last 4 years or so in order to provide proof that she descends from immigrants to the original colonies of
The two Coffin women then “compared notes”, "searched their family trees" and discovered that they share a 9th great-grandfather, Tristram Coffyn [Coffin] (1608-1681). He came to Massachusetts from England in 1642. Toni told some of the interesting history of Tristram and his family with her new-found ninth cousin once removed. The Coffin name is still well known in some areas of Massachusetts. Tristram was one of the original owners of the Island of Nantucket. In 1659 he headed up a consortium of 20 men (including 2 of his sons and a son-in-law and a GREENLEAF ancestor of Charlene’s) who purchased Nantucket for the whopping amount of thirty pounds, two beaver hats, one for the seller himself and one for the seller’s wife! Tristram Coffyn’s ancestry has been traced to Sir Richard Coffyn, Knight, who accompanied William the Conqueror to England in the year 1066. As a result, the manor of Alwington in the County of Devon, England was assigned to Sir Richard. There’s no doubt that Toni and Charlene have a very deep ROOT CELLAR! [sorry chart is not readable in this shot]
What a great story! It pays to get involved. It pays to talk to people about your family and your finds. It pays to listen to what others are talking about, you never know where their ancestors are from or who they are.
Be open, listen and talk to others.
Have you met a new 'someone' you are related too? Want to share? Send to Sandi
Be open, listen and talk to others.
Have you met a new 'someone' you are related too? Want to share? Send to Sandi
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Talented Tuesday - Where Did I Put Those Photos?
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Let me introduce you to another very talented member, Marsha (McAlexander) Wise. Thank You for sharing.............
Marsha did a little "show & tell" of her own and appropriate for the January Meeting subject- Photo Books.
For Christmas 2014 she created 5 collage blankets for a grandchild and 4 great grandchildren. ........ these blankets are filled with family photos. AND they loved the gift. The one she showed was a beautiful blanket with great clear crisp photos. We were all very impressed.
I am so impressed with this blanket of Marsha's. The material is a very high quality very soft cotton. The children and grandchildren can just wrap themselves up and get lots of hugs from family anytime. What a very thoughtful gift also.
I cannot stress how beautiful this is and how soft it is ........ something you will just have to take my word on.
This was created online at Collage.com. Below you will see their home page. It looks pretty straight forward. Create your own account - NAME and EMAIL & password.
I believe Marsha decided on her project and then simply downloaded all the pictures she thought she MIGHT use. You don't have to use them all. In fact you can use this website as a storage area too.
Only three tabs at the top HOME, PRODUCTS and PROJECTS.
One Two Three Ready to Go!!!
You are looking at the home page. As you go down the page you will see some advertising and some discounted items.
I registered. It was easy and painless.(upper right hand corner) Right away it offered me a 40% coupon for my next project. I clicked YES and it was sent to my email box.
......and as you can see you can start a new project right away by clicking 1. DESIGN and continue. You can also reach the same place by clicking on the PROJECT tab at top.........
These are the items they offer under the Products tab: Photo blankets, photo books, photo calendars, photo canvass, custom wrapping paper, photo posters, photo pillows, rolled canvass, phone/tablet cases, photo cards, canvass panels, photo beach towels, photo mugs, photo mouse pads, photo shower curtains, custom ornaments, bamboo custom prints, aluminum photo prints, photo tote bags--- I think if you don't find something you like to put a photo on in this offering you aren't really trying or you just aren't interested.
Marsha gave us this little tip : go to LivingSocial to get coupon code for discounts.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Let me introduce you to another very talented member, Marsha (McAlexander) Wise. Thank You for sharing.............
Marsha did a little "show & tell" of her own and appropriate for the January Meeting subject- Photo Books.
For Christmas 2014 she created 5 collage blankets for a grandchild and 4 great grandchildren. ........ these blankets are filled with family photos. AND they loved the gift. The one she showed was a beautiful blanket with great clear crisp photos. We were all very impressed.
I am so impressed with this blanket of Marsha's. The material is a very high quality very soft cotton. The children and grandchildren can just wrap themselves up and get lots of hugs from family anytime. What a very thoughtful gift also.
I cannot stress how beautiful this is and how soft it is ........ something you will just have to take my word on.
This was created online at Collage.com. Below you will see their home page. It looks pretty straight forward. Create your own account - NAME and EMAIL & password.
I believe Marsha decided on her project and then simply downloaded all the pictures she thought she MIGHT use. You don't have to use them all. In fact you can use this website as a storage area too.
Only three tabs at the top HOME, PRODUCTS and PROJECTS.
One Two Three Ready to Go!!!
You are looking at the home page. As you go down the page you will see some advertising and some discounted items.
I registered. It was easy and painless.(upper right hand corner) Right away it offered me a 40% coupon for my next project. I clicked YES and it was sent to my email box.
......and as you can see you can start a new project right away by clicking 1. DESIGN and continue. You can also reach the same place by clicking on the PROJECT tab at top.........
These are the items they offer under the Products tab: Photo blankets, photo books, photo calendars, photo canvass, custom wrapping paper, photo posters, photo pillows, rolled canvass, phone/tablet cases, photo cards, canvass panels, photo beach towels, photo mugs, photo mouse pads, photo shower curtains, custom ornaments, bamboo custom prints, aluminum photo prints, photo tote bags--- I think if you don't find something you like to put a photo on in this offering you aren't really trying or you just aren't interested.
Marsha gave us this little tip : go to LivingSocial to get coupon code for discounts.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Society Saturday - First Program for the New Year - Photo Books
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Happy New Year............ Members and guests all enjoyed our first general meeting at Root Cellar SGS for this new year. This meeting was a well attended and a fun night.
Was it well attended because it was the first program for the new year and the first program since November. Yes since November. We cancelled our Christmas Party in December because of a severe weather forecast and it was the right thing to do. OR was it well attended because of the program............ I will say a little of both. But the program presentation was very interesting. I think it is something that I would like to attempt during this year.
Joanne Sweeney, a local, made a really good presentations about Photo Books for Genealogy.
"Sharing old family photos can be a great way to bring awareness about family history to your loved ones who may have been reluctant to share your enthusiasm in genealogy" [I know of several that give you the deer in the head light look- those are the ones I'd like to get interested in the family genealogy- this could be it]
Joanne used SNAPFISH - an internet website.
She passed around two books that she created through Snapfish. There are other sites that do the same thing, some more expensive, some more flexible but a good one. Others like Shutterfly, and Mixbook but the books she showed us were created using Snapfish.
She showed the process step by step............organizing, cropping, adding text, adding photos and publishing and more. You register. And her suggestion is to download all the pictures you are considering using. Then you just start the process one step at a time. It looks like any thing can be added to the book as long as it is a graphic........ so for example she showed using a family group sheet. She scanned it into the computer and then added it to her photos. Her handout is organized in such a way that you can use it as a guide in this process. [Thank You Joanne]
I did take several pictures of the book. The cover is simply a great family picture.
The next picture is the first page - I was interested to see how she started off the book.
And then I took several others just to see different layouts.
I believe each of her books has about 67 pages, double pages, with black & white and color images, and text included.
I guess what I wish more than anything else that I had this many old photos to show off. I have very few but still looking for more. AND of course you don't have to use just old photos for these books....... how about a book for the first year of a child's life; maybe an anniversary book; a birthday book; a slice of someone life and so many more ideas come to mind.
How about you?
I can see where it would be a great gift idea. It also would be good for another storage area of photos - especially the old ones but any of them.
This is probably the best gift you can give to those members of the family who love the stories but appear like a deer in the head light look when you are doing the research or talk about it to them.....
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Happy New Year............ Members and guests all enjoyed our first general meeting at Root Cellar SGS for this new year. This meeting was a well attended and a fun night.
Was it well attended because it was the first program for the new year and the first program since November. Yes since November. We cancelled our Christmas Party in December because of a severe weather forecast and it was the right thing to do. OR was it well attended because of the program............ I will say a little of both. But the program presentation was very interesting. I think it is something that I would like to attempt during this year.
Joanne Sweeney, a local, made a really good presentations about Photo Books for Genealogy.
"Sharing old family photos can be a great way to bring awareness about family history to your loved ones who may have been reluctant to share your enthusiasm in genealogy" [I know of several that give you the deer in the head light look- those are the ones I'd like to get interested in the family genealogy- this could be it]
Joanne used SNAPFISH - an internet website.
She passed around two books that she created through Snapfish. There are other sites that do the same thing, some more expensive, some more flexible but a good one. Others like Shutterfly, and Mixbook but the books she showed us were created using Snapfish.
She showed the process step by step............organizing, cropping, adding text, adding photos and publishing and more. You register. And her suggestion is to download all the pictures you are considering using. Then you just start the process one step at a time. It looks like any thing can be added to the book as long as it is a graphic........ so for example she showed using a family group sheet. She scanned it into the computer and then added it to her photos. Her handout is organized in such a way that you can use it as a guide in this process. [Thank You Joanne]
I did take several pictures of the book. The cover is simply a great family picture.
The next picture is the first page - I was interested to see how she started off the book.
And then I took several others just to see different layouts.
I believe each of her books has about 67 pages, double pages, with black & white and color images, and text included.
I guess what I wish more than anything else that I had this many old photos to show off. I have very few but still looking for more. AND of course you don't have to use just old photos for these books....... how about a book for the first year of a child's life; maybe an anniversary book; a birthday book; a slice of someone life and so many more ideas come to mind.
How about you?
I can see where it would be a great gift idea. It also would be good for another storage area of photos - especially the old ones but any of them.
This is probably the best gift you can give to those members of the family who love the stories but appear like a deer in the head light look when you are doing the research or talk about it to them.....
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Motivation Monday- Southern California JAMBOREE 2015
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner- Benward
Another opportunity .........
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Another opportunity .........
Burbank California
June 5-7, 2015
.........with Pre-Conference Activities on June 4
I think anyone that has attended this conference will agree that it is well worth attending. So much going on each day, great exhibit hall, excellent classes and instructors.
Registration has not opened yet but it will very soon. Deadline for Early Bird Registration is April 30th.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Society Saturday- Welcome to Our First 2015 Program
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Welcome 2015
Welcome to the First General Meeting of 2015
January 8 Thursday
6:15pm for Roundtable discussion
7pm General Meeting
Christ Community Church
5025 Manzanita Ave., Carmichael
Contact: Diane Maltase
"SNAPFISH" Photo Book with Joanne Sweeney
Snapfish is a web-based photo sharing and photo printing service that is owned by Hewlett-Packard. Members can upload files for free, and are given unlimited photo storage. Let's get organized for 2015.
Joanne will present the process of developing a photo book and will show samples of her photo books that will be treasured by loved ones for many years to come. ......... read more
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Those Places Thursday - Happy New Year - Welcome 2015
Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward
What will you do differently this NEW YEAR? What will you be continuing to do?
What are your traditions for New Year's Day? Do you have an open house? Do you visit family for the day? Do you go to the movies? Are you watching sports /games or are you watching the Rose Parade OR BOTH? Are you in the middle of a football game? Are you taking down Christmas decorations on this day?
What are your traditions? Don't let them be forgotten. Take time and write them down and share them with your family.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
What will you do differently this NEW YEAR? What will you be continuing to do?
What are your traditions for New Year's Day? Do you have an open house? Do you visit family for the day? Do you go to the movies? Are you watching sports /games or are you watching the Rose Parade OR BOTH? Are you in the middle of a football game? Are you taking down Christmas decorations on this day?
What are your traditions? Don't let them be forgotten. Take time and write them down and share them with your family.
Shop and Support Root Cellar Sacramento Genealogical Society.
Click here for details.
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