Monday, April 20, 2015

Motivation Monday- SHOW Off That Family Treasure & TELL The Story- James Bratt

Editor's note: Today's post was written by Sandra Gardner-Benward

...........and here is another of many 'members shared items' from our February Show N Tell. Enjoy!!

Introducing member James Bratt 

James says: "I brought a simple grandparent history book bought at a stationary store. It was completed by my father for his granddaughter.  He took quite an interest in it and added photos and when a question didn't apply - he rewrote the question so he could use the space.  It was in his handwriting, which became important, as you'll see.  The book not only was used to help my daughter with her genealogical assignment, but has helped me in my research.  But an additional significance came after my father passed, and I filed a wrongful death suit (asbestos related) on behalf of my mother.  The book became a significant part of the suit because he had written down all the places he had lived, all the jobs he had, his hobbies, and many other items that remaining family members did not know or remember. 

This is a partial page of two pages of index....... two pages of questions

See how James father just  added what he wanted - a picture on this page

Jobs along the way

This is an enlargement of the page above.......... when you get to the blacksmith you will know he was only being teen years............... now that is a young boy out in the world, taking care of himself

just interesting knowing things don't change, except I am just the opposite 

There are lots of pages in this book that just contain handwriting. Lovely lovely handwriting. 

What do you think? I think this is an excellent idea for any parent or grandparent, aunt or uncle for that matter too. If you get a book or two now and fill it in slowly you are apt to fill in more and enjoy the assignment more as opposed to thinking you have to fill all the pages in right away. Just take it page by page. AND if a page question does not apply cross it out and write something else. What a great gift, something truly from the heart.

Thank you James for sharing this booklet and allowing me to share it with others............ 

 James Bratt

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